Wednesday, December 19, 2012


CHRISTMAS . . .   time for every preschool, nursery school and day care center in the country to get producing that Christmas Pageant. And behold the children came in costumes and told the story of Baby Jesus being born in a manger.

Sounds delightful doesn't it? Well, let me tell you about the second "Wise Man" who came from the East. But I'm getting ahead of myself . . . .

Yesterday afternoon I brought Ger home from his latest chemo treatment, got him settled with dinner in the fridge, quick changed my clothes and headed down to Pompano Beach to go with Kent and Kristen to Smith's day care center's SHOW. This was no little 5 kid production. The room where we were seated was the size of a wedding reception complete with 44 tables of ten. (We were seated at at table 42 way in the back because our "child" is in the youngest group performing and only on stage for a very short time.) There is also the fact that at two years old the kids don't have a clue as to what the heck is going on, even with days of practice.
The tickets were bought by Kent, we dropped off Smith in his classroom at 6 PM only to have him in tears because he had just left school and hour and a half earlier and no way wanted to return this quickly. We can only assume the tears ended quickly because when it was time for his classes debut he was fine.

Up stairs we all went to find our seats and 45 minutes later the show began. First up were the three year old classes singing three different songs. Anyone who has ever worked with children will know this is no easy feat. But SING they did! At the TOP OF THEIR LUNGS! Never, ever have I heard kids sing that loud. I don't know what they were told but boy oh boy they were Great !  Watching them perform is most of the fun. There is always the one kid who puts his heart and soul and body into his performance and sure enough this group had one. Top row, left side, I thought the kid was going to fling himself off the stage. It was great!

Next came the four year old's acting out the story of the Nativity. The angels came in first. Mary and Joseph walked up the aisle and onto the stage accompanied by the singing angels. The animals arrived next followed by the shepherds with their sheep. This was IT ! Time for all the two year olds to CRAWL down the aisle dressed in their sheep costumes. The shepherds herded those little guys right up onto the the stage only to have the "chorus" break into the sheep songs where the chorus was BAA'ed out by all the little sheep. BA  BA  BA
I was rolling on the floor laughing. It was probably the most adorable, hysterical thing I have seen in a long time.

But it wasn't over.  The sheep were quickly herded off the stage and back down to their classroom because you know how quickly two year old sheep can start to wander off.
Once the sheep departed the scene it was time for the 3 Wise Men to arrive. Down the aisle came three of the most adorable 4 year olds dressed in the finest of robes and crowns. Wise man One and Three were doing great. Poor number Two lost it some where half way down the aisle and started sobbing and saying. "I'm sorry mommy, I just can't do it!"  The poor kid just kept repeating this over and over as he climbed onto the stage and stood in front of his very own microphone. (Just in case anyone had missed what the poor kid was saying he got to have it broadcast nice and loud. ) Wise man Three very wisely advised #2 to just stand there and not say anything but Two was so distraught all he could do was beg his mom's forgiveness. (Can you picture the scene at home for the past 2 weeks trying to talk this kid into playing this part?) It was the most  pitiful thing to have to watch. How mom refrained from running up and grabbing her son to comfort him is beyond me.

All in all it was quite the evening and well worth the ride. I am so glad I went and will remember this night for quite some time. I look forward to Smith moving up through the grades and perhaps getting to play one of the wise men in years to come. I know he would ace the part!
Dressing the sheep in long johns and black socks

Smith did not like socks on his hands

Two year old sheep class

This kid was just a riot! 

The stage


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