Thursday, September 3, 2020


 As we drove down the road this morning on our way out to the "highway" we could see that up ahead there was something in the middle of the road.  It is completely normal to have a deer or two standing in the road but this morning it was turkeys.  Standing smack dab in the center of the road were two large tom turkeys. As we drove closer the two of them started running back and forth presumably trying to decide which side of the road they wanted to be on.  One went right, one went left and then the one on the left changed his mind and ran back across the road to join his friend on the right. As all this was going on and we were sitting at a dead stop I could see, standing in the grass on the left side of the road, mommy turkey and her three teenage chicks. The four of them were standing as still as we were just watching the two idiots in the middle of the road running back and forth.  When the two toms finally made it to the right side of the road mamma turkey and her kids turned around where they were on the left side of the road and walked back into the woods.  

In my mind she was muttering to her kids about their idiot father and uncle who almost got killed in the middle of the road.  

All this got me thinking about Husband when we used to go out to run some errands. (The Man actually exhibits similar behavior but is a little better than Husband ever was.)  On any given day we would go out to the car with a list of maybe five things to get done. The list might include things like a stop at Home Depot, Costco, the gas station, the post office and lunch.  As we got into the car I would have mapped out, in my head,  a route that began at the furthest point and worked our way back without back tracking. Husband would get into the car and just drive.  He might go South, then West, then South, then North, then East, then West, then South, then West . . . .  you get the idea.  There was no plan, no rhyme or reason just a mission to go to the five places in what ever order he thought of at the time.  

It DROVE ME NUTS !!!!  Especially during those years when there was a gas shortage and the price of gas was through the roof.  Didn't matter!   Husband was off and running and he didn't care which direction he was going at the time.  (Just like the turkeys in the road this morning.). And like Mamma turkey I would be sitting next to him muttering to the kids or myself about the lack of planning on the part of Husband. 

It wasn't always like that, or maybe it was but I was just too naive to notice.  When I first met Husband he impressed me with his maturity and intelligence. He was "grounded",  something that I was seriously lacking at the time.  He was perfect for me. He calmed the "wild child" in me and helped me to mature.

Husband was my rock and my anchor. 

Only to realize years later that rocks and anchors weigh you down and can drown you if you're not careful.

So as time went on I began to think for myself and Husband began to pull back and let me be, his words, "A Control Freak".  I did/do have "control issues and I did/do like to be "in charge",   Husband was in charge of going to work and making money and I was in charge of everything else.  And then I would have the audacity to complain that Husband didn't do anything around the house.  He was way smarter than I thought. 

And you would think I would have learned !   

Fast forward to The Man and our relationship.  NO WAY IN HELL did I want to have another man in my life. Yet here I am ! And like my first time around with Husband I am slowly taking over everything as The Man pulls back.  The one difference here is that The Man's health is so crappy that he needs to have someone helping him even when he protests. It's really quite frustrating for both of us.  

We are like the two turkeys in the middle of the road running this way and that trying to keep from getting killed.  

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