Tuesday, September 15, 2020


I don't care if it is three hundred degrees in Florida . . .  I WANT/NEED to go home NOW !!

We have a departure date which is exactly one month from tomorrow but I really don't know if I 'm going to make it.  For what ever reason every day is getting harder and harder to get through. I think Satan has his hand in all this just to make me crazy or maybe it is just because I am living with The Man.  What ever the reason I better get drinking more in order to last these next four weeks.

Today was just one of those days that I never should have gotten out of bed.  (Except I really had to pee so I guess I really did have to get up.)  This week is just one of those WEEKS that we have a lot to do and so the pressure is on to hold it together. That seems to be my role in life . . . holding things together. I am really tired of being the glue or duct tape that holds every thing together and as I have mentioned before I have no one to blame but myself.  I just keep telling myself that God has put me here for a reason and I am just doing what ever HE needs me to do.  But I often wonder when it will be my turn to sit back and have someone do everything for me.  

OK . . . Enough of the Pity Party . . .   Here's how this day went down.  Today is Tuesday and that means we drive forty-five minutes East to Manistique so that The Man can spend an hour doing pulmonary rehab. He walks on a tread mill, rides on a stationary bike and exercises his arms with some other machine.  Last I heard he was up to twelve minutes on each machine.  (Twelve times three is thirty six minutes.  Guess it takes his a while to walk from one machine to another to make up the hour.) So,  we drive 45 minutes, I hang out in the car for 60 minutes and then we drive another 45. minutes back home.  Basically three hours spent doing absolutely NOTHING !!!   Oh, I take my crocheting with me or a magazine but it's still three hours of nothing. (I do sometimes walk around the parking lot for a half hour or so but now it is just too darn chilly for that.)  I also must mention that The Man buys me lunch . . . Burger King . . .  ALWAYS Burger King.  He always orders off the "two for $5" menu but today I REALLY wanted a crispy chicken sandwich.  I told him it wasn't part of the $5 deal but he wasn't listening so when he ordered he got totally confused when the girl said it would cost $12.  (I also ordered a medium soda which he never does because he gets a water at rehab.)  I made an attempt to explain the bill but I still don't think he got it.  (He is not cheap, just not used to spending money.)  My attitude at that point was "F" it !  

We returned to the house around two and that was when the house and yard turned into  Grand Central Station.   The Man's brother and nephew showed up to fix the basement window frames that have rotted out over the years.  They were parked at the back of the house and had a table saw set up in the yard.  Next the neighbor kid showed up to do some chores for The Man.  Apparently they had arranged this earlier so The Man had a list of things for the kid to do.   Only problem was that I was given the job of directing the kid as to what needed to be moved out to the garage.  Why did this become my job ?  Because The Man had gone in to take a nap. (He looks like shit these days and rehab really exhausts him so he needs that down time when he comes home.). Once the kid moved all the stuff I was told to have him mow the lawn, which needed cutting because The Man has not been up to going out on his mower.  The kid was out there mowing for maybe a half hour when he stopped in to tell me his sister was there to pick him up. (Found out later he had called his sister to come get him. He had only mowed maybe a third of the property.) 

As all this was going on I also had the job of taking pictures of ten sheep skins that I had brought down from the attic the day before.  The Man wants to sell the skins which means I get to bring them out, photograph them, measure them, write descriptions of them and post it all on Facebook market place.  I was in the middle of all that when I got a message from a woman "we" had sold some weaving item to a couple of days ago.  She and I had been back and forth figuring out how we would ship the stuff to Arizona where she lives.  She was sending me a shipping label over the internet but I wasn't getting it. (I had spent most of Sunday trying to figure out Pay Pal and where her payment was for the item. Finally got that worked out.)  I finally found the shipping label and went to print it out but the printer wasn't working! It kept giving me a message about the ink cartridge, which I had replaced a month or so back because The Man never uses his printer so the ink had dried out.  It took me about twenty minutes of cursing, swearing and poking at the printer to finally get that working.  As I am in the middle of all that The Man gets up from his nap and asks me where the kid is.  I tell him he left and that set off The Man to ranting about the kid.  

It was at this point I came out here to the parlor and started to blog because if I didn't write about this day I would have killed someone.  But we weren't finished yet. Just as things started to calm down the kids dad drives in looking to pick up his kid.  That just got the man all fired up again so I left The Man and the dad men sitting outside drinking beer while discussing this generation of kids.  

All this went on in a span of about four hours and by the time dinner time came around I had nothing planned or even thought of.  Resorting to the old stand by of soup and a sandwich I opened the bag of "fresh" rye bread that I bought at the grocery store bakery on Saturday and naturally it was MOLDY !

Without saying a word I took the freaking bread out into the freaking yard and threw it on the grass for the damn birds.  

I hope they all choke !!!!

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