Wednesday, October 24, 2012


It's a slippery slope here these days and I can slide down hill faster than anyone I know. Ger is hanging on to the mountain side pretty well. He has a good grip on life. ALWAYS HAS ! Even with all that has been going on he is doing great. Every so often he looses his grip for a few but he climbs back up and keeps on going.

Today I got buried under 40 feet of life.  We were up early, (8AM!) to go for a shot to help keep up Ger's white blood count. From there we had a WONDERFUL breakfast at Mc Donalds. Ger and I haven't been out to eat in quite some time and even though I am not sure that Mc D's counts as "FINE DINING" I'll take it! We sat quietly and enjoyed the food and a great cup of coffee. The customers were quite entertaining so it was a nice respite. From there we went for Ger's radiation treatment.  ONLY 8 MORE !  Ger has had 26 lung radiation treatments so far. Plus 14 brain radiation treatments. It seems like we have been going there forever. But the end is in sight! We left radiation and stopped at CVS to make use of our numerous coupons that were expiring today. How is it possible to spend over $100 at a drug store? And that was AFTER the coupons! Do you know how much Musinex costs???? Almost as much as the Prilosec!  All these years Ger has teased me about the pharmacy calling me for drugs because I have so many pills in my medicine cabinet. Well, he can't tease ME any more because he has a basket of pills next to his side of the bed and a second basket of pills in the kitchen. That will teach him to make fun.

Once we got home it was time to start pulling together ALL the things I have put off for the past week while the grand kids were here. First and foremost was to get the HUGE Halloween card for Smith written and put out for the mail man.  I knew how much the postage would be because I had sent the same card to Kaelin and Finn last week. I also knew that I had an entire roll of "Post Card" stamps that I would never in 10 years ever get to using. I planned on putting 5 of those stamps on Smith's card and it would be good to go.         AND that was where the trouble started. I COULD NOT find that roll of stamps. We had pretty much gotten all the toys away after a week of grand kids so the house was sort of pulled together. Not after I got searching for a freaking stamp!  I have a basket in the laundry room that has all the return stickers and postage stamps in it. I tore through that first. NO stamps! Maybe I put them in the basket on my desk . . .  NOPE!  Maybe they are out in the garage on that desk  . . .  NOPE! Maybe they are in the drawer with the address book . . . NOPE!  (You get the picture yet?) As a last resort I decided they had fallen out of the basket in the laundry room and dropped behind the dryer. BAD THOUGHT! I moved the dryer and found NO stamps but I DID find three feet of dust and filth that only can be found behind a dryer or a refrigerator. I mean . . .  IT WAS BAD!  Then all the paper bags that I had wedged between the washer and dryer pulled loose and went spilling all over the floor. At this point I gave up on the stamps, put a bunch of regular stamps on the envelope and sent Ger out to the mail box so he wouldn't notice me pushing the dryer back over the mess and walking away.
Don't bother telling me it is a fire waiting to happen because that is the only way that mess is getting out of there. In fact, I may even throw in the match! I think a fire would be the best way to clean up the mess I made looking for a freaking stamp !

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