Friday, October 12, 2012


Anything is possible with music.  At the moment Eric Clapton is getting me through the day.  There is nothing like some familiar music to raise the spirits and calm the soul.

Nothing really going on here other than frustration. How can a man live 73 years and not eat a vegetable or a fruit as part of every meal? RITA, what were you thinking when you fed these children of yours? (Probably she was thinking how she was going to feed a family of 6 for the week without any money!) So I guess fruits and vegetables were considered a delicacy during the 40's & 50's because this man of mine just WILL NOT eat either one unless it is disguised in a pie or a casserole. Even then he has been known to pick things out and question their origin. I have no shame in telling him flat out that the piece of zucchini that he has separated from the rest of the pot pie is in fact a piece of onion. Because the fact is, he doesn't know a zucchini from an onion and can't taste the difference even if he knew what they were. But the fact remains that the man will not eat anything that is good for him or will help to make him healthy.
This has been a major challenge in fighting cancer. All the good healthy foods that would help fight the fight are not on Ger's list of foods he will eat.  Any and all suggestions are met with a look of horror that I would even suggest he put such and such a food into his face. But I never said it is impossible. Do you know what you can disguise in the form of a shake? And since I have never had a problem with "Little White Lies" we are managing to get a few healthy things into husband.

this has been a good week and the fact that Kyle was here from England sure did help. I basically had a few hours off when Kyle took Ger to the different treatments. I had an opportunity to cut out a dress for Kaelin's Halloween costume. She informed Keri last week that Grand ma was making her a witch costume so I got working on that. I have a vision of what I want to create but I am not so sure the finished product will look anything like my vision. but hey, witches are supposed to look all scraggly and ugly so I figure I really can't mess up too bad.

Now we are in for a quiet weekend of playing, "WHAT'S YOU GONNA EAT?" I asked Ger before what he felt like for dinner and he almost cried. So I put on the tunes and I'll create something in the kitchen that hopefully he will be able to digest.

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