Advanced technology is making me nuts ! Just when I get the MI internet figured out and working for me my computer decides it wants to be warm.( It apparently misses it's home in FL) The damn thing gets so hot when I plug it in I can't rest it on my lap.
Thankfully the UP has a good computer tech guy who I discovered last summer. The beast, (AKA my computer) was going wonky last summer so I went on a search for someone up here who knows a little more than how to kill a deer or operate a back hoe. It is not exactly your most technologically updated part of the United States. Maybe the back hills of Tennessee are slightly behind us but not by much. So finding Jesse, the computer guy, was astonishing. I wondered if he would still be around this year or if the lack of business would send him packing. Sure enough he is still here and still working on computers. I called him this morning and hopefully he will be able to preform his magic once again.
This past week I have had so many occasions where I wanted to sit down to write but either The Man required my attention or my computer was overheated. (Do computers have hot flashes? Maybe my computer is menopausal.). If I don't grab onto an idea that floats through my head it is lost forever. The same is true with almost anything I do these days . . . Do it NOW or I'll totally forget about it.
I did manage to get to write about the silly turkeys. They are still entertaining us but I am starting to get a little concerned because each time they show up there are one or two more added to the group. (What is a group turkeys called? a flock? That doesn't sound right. I'll have to google that.) Along with the growing number of turkeys the red squirrel is getting bolder and bolder by the day. The other day we were sitting on the back patio when "Red" came running around, almost climbing up onto our laps. The Man is in a panic because "Red is going to get into the house!!!" Little does he realize that ship has sailed. There is a hole between the foundation and the siding that Red has discovered. I have mentioned this hole many many times before. It was never a priority until now. The Man saw Red climb up into the hole so now WE are on the war path. We will be stopping at the hardware store today to get some "filler" to spray into the hole. Sure hope Red isn't in there when You Know Who decides to spray !
It never gets boring around here.
The most excitement I have had was 2 nights ago when The Man fell out of bed. YUP . . . fell right out of the bed. (I swore I would not tell anyone about this but it's just too good to hold on to.). It was early Sunday morning when I woke up to a comotion on the other side of the room. I sat up but did not have my hearing aids in so I had no idea what the voice in the dark was saying. I kept saying, "I can't hear you" and the voice just kept saying something in a very irate manner. (That I could understand). I finally got up and went around the bed to find The Man standing, bent over the bed holding his arm. It seems he woke up and rolled over to pick up his remote for the bed that had fallen onto the floor. He overbalanced because he had the bottom of the bed raised so his feet started to fall and the rest of him just followed along until he was sitting on the floor is a puddle of blood. I was now awake enough to turn on a light to see exactly what damage we were looking at. It wasn't good but it could have been a lot worse. When The Man started to roll he reached out to try to stop himself and hit his arm on the corner of his night stand. It pealed back a large chunk of skin from his forearm. Even thought it wasn't a deep wound it was bleeding like crazy. He had grabbed a towel and was holding it on his arm to try to stop the bleeding. He was pretty shook up.! I got some gauze and wrapped his arm tightly and sent him off to the kitchen to sit down with a cup of coffee. Damage control assessed that there was not much blood on the floor and surprisingly none on the bed. The Man's biggest concern was that he didn't get blood on the bed. (The comforter is black, you would never notice blood on it, but he did good !)
We are headed to his GP doctor today so I suggested he have Mike take a look at the arm. Of course I was told no but we shall see. I wonder if the injured arm will keep us from our pending battle with Red?
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