I think I have mentioned before that Grand kids are the BEST ! But just in case you haven't heard it from me GRAND KIDS ARE THE BEST !
We just spent a super fantastic day with 11 month old Smith while his mom and dad went paddle boarding. For Kent's birthday Kristen gave Kent a 3 hour paddle boarding adventure only minutes from their home. If mom and dad are going out someone needs to babysit and naturally GMa and GPa were ready and willing to rush over to help out. (So it is only an hour drive south, I would drive over night for a chance to spend time with this little guy!) We arrived at 11 and mom and dad went off (after 10 minutes of good-byes) for their afternoon of fun. They don't have a clue what fun is! Standing on a surf board in the broiling sun of South Florida while rowing with an oar us NOT my idea of fun. But they LOVED it and had a great time. Meanwhile, GMa and GPa (I just love these names that Kristen has christened us with. I hope they stick!) spent the afternoon having the time of our lives with our little "Captain Destructo" The boy is actually a perfect little guy but he is a boy and loves to climb. Smith isn't walking yet but he is close. He has the best fun climbing on his knees up the 8 steps to the front door landing and then standing up to pull himself up the next flight of stairs to the bedrooms while standing and hanging on to the railing. We were up and down those stairs 20 times today! This is all being done while side stepping over the dog and 2 cats. Actually the cats have learned to keep their distance but Mookie the dog insists on being in the middle of things with the hopes that we will take her for a walk. We did take 2 walks, GPa in charge of Mookie and GMa in charge of Smith. Or maybe it was Mookie and Smith who were really in charge.
Mom and Dad arrived home after a great afternoon and we all went out to dinner to celebrate a Super Fantastic day for all.
Like I said, WIN WIN for everyone !
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