Thursday, November 17, 2011


WHAT ARE THE WALL STREET PROTESTERS PROTESTING?  I am quite serious . .  .  I don't know.  I have read articles and watched YouTube and I still don't get it. AND how does burning the city,(a direct quote from one of the protesters) and/or taking over the NYC subway system accomplish anything?
Sharon, I know you are reading this and I really do want to understand this.  I get the "Tea Party" group. They are unhappy with the way our country is headed and, like myself, just don't know what to do to change things. So far I haven't seen any one suggest burning down the capital or taking over the trains. I look at the pictures of both groups and see all the young people protesting wall street. That is good, it's the young folks who are going to be running this country and they need to be involved. But do you want your future government run like a dictatorship, where if you don't agree with them they will just burn your house down and kill your family? That is the mentality that I am seeing here. Yes, they are young and they are angry but I also think they are misguided. I don't want to live in a country ruled by violence. There are plenty of those around already. What happened to our democracy? Yes, the people should be heard but do you hear the screaming of your 2 year old who is throwing a tantrum because they don't like something or do you hear the voice of your parent or grandparent who wants to discuss things with  you?
I'm not happy with our country. I haven't been happy with where it's been heading for many many years. NOT just this present administration but all our political leaders for the past 20 or so years. They are NOT listening to the people. The people of our country are frustrated and angry but throwing tantrums and stamping our feet will get us no where fast. We still live in the greatest country on earth and it is time for us to realize that we need to work together, not split apart any more than we already are. Never  mind Democrat/Republican . . .  liberal/conservative . . . WE ARE AMERICANS ! And until we stop separating ourselves into groups screaming at each other we will never get past this mess.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe this is EXACTLY what our enemies want ! Stir up the pot and then sit back and watch us self destruct.
I think if we would ALL stop looking at what is WRONG and start working on what is RIGHT maybe we could make some progress. What IS working? How can we incorporate that into other areas that aren't working as well.  Come on people . . .  we are SMART !  Let's figure this out without all the yelling and screaming.

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