I'M O.K. Let's get that out of the way first . . . my car . . . not so much !
I got up this morning feeling like I had a load of cement in my back and legs so I called the chiropractor and got an appointment to come in and get straightened out. On my way home my car was hit from behind and the damage doesn't look good. Want to guess if the driver of the car that hit me was on his cell phone or not? Of course he was ! I must say it scared the do do out of him and he totally admitted to being at fault. Not just an admission to me but to the police who showed up in a matter of seconds.
I was stopped at a light with cars in front of me and looked in my rear view mirror and saw that I was about to be hit. For a split second I thought the guy just might stop but I was braced for the hit and sure enough . . . . . WHAM ! He did try to swerve to the right at the last minute so the right side of my car got the worst of it but the entire bumper is hanging off and the right tail light looks like a Halloween eye ball just dangling by a wire. The trunk popped open and will never shut again because the entire trunk opening is out of shape. I'm hoping the insurance company totals the car cause then I just might get that Caddy I have been dreaming of. (Used of course) The other driver worked for a Lab where he drove around picking up specimens from all over the place and he was on his phone talking with his company when he hit me. I think he had one extra specimen on the seat of his car after hitting me.
What I couldn't believe was that I was so cool and collected. I pulled over and dug out my phone and dialed 911. The cops were there before I even got my car off the road. What service! GO PALM BEACH GARDENS POLICE ! The cops were awesome and really concerned about my well being. The other driver got a ticket for distracted driving. My second call was to Ger who showed up in a matter of minutes. I think he was worried we wouldn't get to go out to dinner . . . JUST KIDDING ! Ger was excellent and a big help. He comes through when I need him.
So now I have no car, spent the afternoon on the phone with my insurance company and probably need to go back to the chiropractor tomorrow for another adjustment. All things considered it was a good day. No one was hurt and it gave me something to blog about.
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