Thursday, November 10, 2011


NO lawyer for me thank you ! I just got up this morning after thinking and thinking and talked with Ger about this whole going to a lawyer thing.  We both feel that the reason you go to a lawyer is that you are having a PROBLEM with someone and you need legal back up to get what is fair for you. That isn't the case here so I just couldn't see going through someone who is only going to get paid by making our "case" into something it isn't. My insurance company has been fantastic.  They were very helpful and pleasant on the phone and they all speak ENGLISH without an Indian accent. The insurance company has appraised the  damage to my car within 20 hours after the accident. They have come up with a fair amount for the body shop and have already paid the body shop for the towing. The body shop is already working on my car and  has no problem with the insurance company. As for medical coverage for me and the chiropractor who is treating me for slight whip lash and back ache, my insurance company is also paying 100% there. So why do I need a lawyer ?
I got up this morning and called the lawyer and cancelled our appointment for today and it felt like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders.  I just was not comfortable making this into something it wasn't and if, Heaven forbid, I run into problems down the road, I have the name of a good lawyer I can contact.

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