Wednesday, November 9, 2011


My head is spinning but not in the "Rosmary's Baby sort of way, more like, "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?"  This is a direct result of yesterdays fender bender smash up. Between insurance company calls I am tied to the telephone and my rapidly growing list of notes. Thus the decision to introduce a blood sucking leach into the equation. Totally against every fiber of my being I am going to a lawyer because of this accident. Not to sue anyone but to get someone who knows the in's and out's of accident law proceedings. The big push in my mind to go this route is because the guy that hit me was driving a "company" car so the added issues of dealing with a company and their insurance rather than just Joe Schmoe and his insurance is a no brainer. 
It all started when I got up this morning at the crack of dawn to a phone call from the insurance adjuster from my company. He had just inspected my car (People actually function at 8:30 in the morning?) and against my hopes for a Caddy, my car is NOT totaled but has $5,100 worth of damage. The next call was from the auto body shop wanting to get going on chopping off the entire back end of my car and putting a new one on. (I wonder if they could do that for me? My back end is pretty saggy these days too.) Since I still have not heard from the man's insurance company I am not doing anything and from what I hear I may not hear from the other insurance company because they have to go through all sorts of channels within the car owners company. By the time I got off the phone my head was starting to spin and my neck and back were aching. I slept O.K. last night but I definitely can feel the residual effect in my neck and back. When I was making the bed and got a shooting pain up the right side of my butt I decided I better get my butt back to the chiropractor for another adjustment. 
As it turns out a chiropractor CANNOT, by law, do any adjustment on a patient after an auto accident before doing a complete set of X-Rays. So now the money in my pocket is starting to dribble out, thanks to the smash up derby that took place yesterday. My chiropractor advised us to get a lawyer to handle all the legal BS and the insurance companies so we have now officially joined the ranks of society who keep lawyers in business. It is killing me to do this because Ger and I always feel things work out the way they are supposed to . . .   and maybe they will. But just in case I'm glad I watched all those Perry Mason shows so I know what to do and say.
And if you don't know who Perry Mason is you are too young to be reading this blog!

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