Smith's first ride EVER. |
Dancing to the live music |
A weekend in Orlando with Smith is the next best thing to a hot fudge sundae! (I had one of those too)
We left our home on Friday with Kent driving the 4 adults and Smith in the big comfy caddie. It was a nice ride in style to the "Happiest Place On Earth". We were able to check into our Hilton Hotel that we got for $59 a night . . . thank you Hotwire . . . and get a little snack before we headed off to THE MARKET PLACE where Smith's Aunt Brie was working at Goofy's Candy shoppe. (Brie is doing a Disney internship and will be in Orlando for the year so she can get her sister Kristen and the family into the Disney parks for free. We visited Brie at work for about 10 minutes and took Smith on his first ever amusement part ride . . . a little train that went around a track about as big as my living room. The track was small, my living room is not that big.) Smith wasn't too sure about this whole thing but quickly got into it and had his mom take him on a second time. From there we went on the carosel and then did some dancing on the deck while the grown ups had a beer and rested our feet. The next day was our adventure to ANIMAL KINGDOM. When you travel with a one and a half year old you get up and get moving bright and early. . . . which was great because the park was nice and empty so Smith got to meet the characters with no crowds around. He seemed to like Thumper the best but seemed to like every character he met. We had a great day at the park and even though Smith didn't get a nap he hung in there and we all had a great time.
Is Smith afraid of the sea monster or grandma? |
Unfortunately that night was not a good one for Smith and his mom and dad. Poor little guy was up a LOT during the night but by Sunday morning breakfast he was doing great. Good thing because the 2 hour ride home took us 4 hours, thanks to all the Thanksgiving travelers.
But we made it home safe and sound and from what I hear Smith has slept like a rock the past 2 nights.
Now its time to get focused on Christmas and start decorating, shopping, wrapping, etc. etc.
When all I want to do is rest it isn't going to be easy. I"m sure you'll hear more about that in my next blog.
Getting into this ride thing |
Lovin' thumper |
Can you find Goofy? (He's wearing a brown shirt) |
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