Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Last night I was all set to sit down and blog when H told me I am on the computer too much.  This coming from the man who sits in front of the TV 8 hours a day. (I counted them up and YES . . .  he watched TV for eight hours yesterday!)
Now it is another day and my brain is blank. Well, not really.  My brain is never blank. It never stops for a minute and that is a bother some times. Forget meditation, it just isn't happening cause I can't get my brain to shut off. My brain isn't even quiet when I sleep because I dream non stop all night long.
The other night I was reading a "trashy magazine" and there was an article about Justin Timberlake. It said he smokes pot to quiet his brain. He gets it through a doctor.  I WANT SOME POT ! For some reason I missed the entire druggie era and never smoked a joint in my life. That is on my "bucket list" for sure. It might be just the thing I need to calm myself down. Like last night when H told me I am on the computer too much, that put my brain into overload and I talked to myself for an hour. Even the happy pills I take don't help in shutting down the whirl wind that is my mind. (BTW . .  . the computer remark was in response to my mentioning that maybe the reason the TV is buzzing is because it is on too much.) (I SWEAR THAT IS ALL I SAID!) About mid way through the evening last night the TV suddenly started to buzz and have static lines run across the screen. That along with everyone looking very PINK made us think we had a problem. At first H tried to tell me it wasn't the TV that was buzzing. I will admit that I did THINK "WTF?" but just SAID "Why don't you turn it off and see if the sound goes away . . . DEAR" Anyone care to take a bet on what happened to the noise once the TV was turned off? Like we have a swarm of bees flying through the den causing a loud BUZZ . . .   or maybe it is my teeth vibrating when I am grinding them too hard?  SERIOUSLY . .  .  So,  the TV has a buzz and the color is off again.  Today we packed up the TV and brought it back to Best Buy where it was purchased only 10 months ago. The kid plugged it in and TA DA . . .   NO BUZZ . . . NO PINK PEOPLE.    The "Geek Squad" told us they would leave it plugged in for a half hour or so to see if it started to buzz but we couldn't leave the store. We packed up the TV and brought it home where H had me plug it in (he doesn't have a clue) and there he has sat for the past 4 hours.
So far it isn't buzzing.  It will wait to do that right about 8:00 tonight when Survivor comes on.

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