Friday, November 18, 2011


Unlike what H said the other day, I AM NOT ON THE COMPUTER ALL DAY as he is in front of the TV.  BUT . . . when I do get playing/working on the beastly Internet I am, at times, totally over whelmed with LOG IN'S !
First, let me say I LOVE this MAC. There is nothing better and I will NEVER EVER go back to a PC. You can take your windows and shut them tight because they will never be a match for Mac. That said . . . my brain gets quite frazzled at times trying to remember the pass word/ sign in name / code ? what ever for every single thing that I have to log into an account for. I know this is for my protection but for crying out loud who is going to sabotage my blog? I'm sure you would notice something was wrong if suddenly there was a witty entry EVERY DAY. You would know for sure it wasn't me. And if the blogs were cheery and up beat without a single piss or moan you would know it wasn't me.
How does the rest of the world handle this problem of "SECRET PASSWORDS" for everything? I have a little black book which, if I can find it at any given time, contains all my passwords. But then I come up with a new account some place and don't want to use the same password over and over so I create something very clever that I can't possibly forget so I don't bother to write it in the little black book that would take me an hour to find. You know that the next time I log into that new account I can't remember the password to save my soul.
But better than all that are the accounts that you HAVE the log in address, you HAVE the account access name and you think you HAVE the password and yet you can not log in no matter what you do.  I have typed and retyped passwords in various languages and I still can't get into MY account. Do you really think there is someone out there who WANTS to pay my E-Zpass bill ?  I don't think so !  Every time I go to that damn account I end up having to call them on the T E L E P H O N E and change the password and clear up what ever business I have with them. And yet sure enough, next time I need to log in to my account . .  .I DOESN'T WORK!  FRUSTRATING !  I really don't think it is me causing the problem but then again, that is quite possible.
Another thing I have to say is that I am very happy to have in my bag of tricks the ability to type at a fairly good pace. Nothing like my kids but I do hold my own. That I can thank my dad for.  He was always a fantastic typist having worked for Western Union way back in the day when telegrams were the means of "QUICK" communication. He could type faster than anyone I knew. I used to love it when he would let me use his ancient type writer. What was that old sentence that you would type so you got to use every letter on the key board? Something like "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog". The stuff I remember . . .  and yet . . .  what was my pass word to log on to this site?

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