Sunday, November 20, 2011


I was cleaning out the guest room today and I found a cute little mouse puppet that I had bought years ago. Mouse and I are now best friends.
 For those of you who haven't seen the Mel Gibson movie, "THE BEAVER" I'll give you a very brief synopsis. Mel is having coping problems and leaves his job, wife, family and in the midst of a drunken stupor he stumbles upon a hand puppet of a beaver. This becomes his life line to the world. Through the hand puppet Mel is able to say all the things that he is unable to say on his own. People of course think he is totally crazy but he turns his world around.         I GET IT !
So there I was today trying to have a conversation with H when I decided "This is impossible". The MOUSE hand puppet will now be my go to place when I need to talk. (That and my blog!) Talking to H is like talking to a water melon or a door or a chair or, well, a beaver or a mouse. I know better than to talk to him  when he is sitting in front of the TV (right there that eliminates about 40 hours of the day) but being in front of the TV AND watching FOOTBALL is such a combination that I can't make sense of anything the man says. I stupidly was trying to tell Ger something and the conversation got so OVER THE TOP ridiculous that I finally just agreed with what ever H was saying and ended the conversation.
Enter THE MOUSE . . .  We had a very nice chat, made total sense to me and the mouse and all the stomach pains and head ache went away.
It is amazing what you can learn from the movies.

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