Sunday, November 13, 2011


Lets start with a question for you . . .   WHO DO YOU THINK SHOULD BE PAID MORE
                             YOUR CONGRESSMAN OR YOUR CHILD'S TEACHER ?

If you have one ounce of common sense you answered "MY CHILD'S TEACHER" !  It makes all the sense in the world to me that the person you are putting in charge of your child's education should make more money than the idiot who is assisting in the demise of our country. If we don't educate our children we will raise a nation of uneducated idiots who will toss the future of our country into the dumpster.
Two of my children are educators and neither of them is making 1/3 what a congressman makes. WHY ?
Oh yea, teachers only work 10 months a year . . .  congress men work less than that . . . by far !
Teachers are entrusted with teaching your child how to read, write, spell, add, subtract, eat healthy, use proper English, use proper hygiene, have safe sex, drive, stay away from drugs and alcohol and you name it, the teacher is teaching it because in many/most cases mom and dad are working 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet because the GOVERNMENT is taxing mom and dad up the wazoo. But that same government is paying itself a might fine salary!
FOR WHAT ??????       I know my congressman is NOT representing me . . . he hasn't voted for a single thing that I believe in nor has he/she USED AN OUNCE OF COMMON SENSE.
I am really pissed that my son has not had a raise in 4 years. I am really pissed that my son has to take 3 days off without pay next week because the county doesn't have enough money to pay him and his fellow teachers. BUT the county will start paying merit pay to teachers whose students perform well on tests. Yet we will force the schools to close so the teachers have less time to teach while we add 20 new things to the curriculum while making pay cuts to teachers who are making less than $35,000 a year.
Write your local congressman and tell him to take a $100,000 pay cut and work twice as hard and see how he likes it !

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