Thursday, March 31, 2016


Interesting little word . . .  It used to be when I was a kid and I heard the word CHARGE I would immediately think of THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE !  I think at one time I probably had to memorize all or part of that poem for school or at the very least read it and so it was stuck in some tiny little crevice of my brain. The word charge evoked visions of men on horse back, arms defiantly flung in the air riding to their inevitable deaths in battle all the while screaming at the top of their lungs, "CHARGE!"  How terribly heroic and romantic and wildly exciting to a child who didn't have a TV to watch, just a radio to listen to.

Then in the 50's the word CHARGE took on a whole new meaning.  There came about this new way of purchasing things. You no longer needed to have cash to pay for something you bought. You could actually buy something without paying anything ! People were very wary of this at first but soon came to love the idea and sure enough the CHARGE CARD caught on and has been our best friend ever since.

And now here we are in another century all together and the word CHARGE has once again taken on another meaning! Last Sunday my family all arrived, crashing through the front door, kids running all over the place to see where the Easter Bunny had left baskets and eggs and the adults running all over the place to see where they could plug in their phones to CHARGE them.  It really was a lot like the charge of the light brigade.  Four adults all scrambling to find an outlet that would allow them access and yet be able to keep their phones out of the reach of little fingers who wanted to steal the phones. Two year olds have such a great love for cell phones. Eight year olds and five year olds also love cell phones because they can play games on them. So the choice of charging spots must be well thought out. High enough and hidden enough but near enough so that if someone calls it can still be heard.
Once the phones are all plugged in quiet ensues for a short time. Until there is something note worthy that needs recording.  Then the phone must be gotten from it's resting place and this is where the trouble begins.  If the charger is left in the outlet there is a good chance it will be left behind or even better . . . it will be picked up by one of the remaining 3 adults. Now the game of "WHO'S GOT MY CHARGER?" begins.  This involves 42 text messages until the phone dies because it no longer has a charger. The culprit who has absconded with the wrong charger is now responsible for getting it back to it's proper owner. It has been known to take weeks for this to happen. Never has it occurred to any of the involved to just go out an buy a new charger!  Each time we gather the same thing happens and each time we get together they wonder why as the door opens I always yell,

                                                                 CHARGE !

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Now that the twins are talking the game has changed.  Kristen and Kent are being constantly bombarded with requests, or should I say DEMANDS, for GAMMAMA'S HOUSE !    I am told these requests, er, demands are becoming a daily occurrence and since they are in stereo they are getting harder to ignore.

In all fairness it has been a very busy month, this month of March.  Kristen was traveling, Grandma had Aunt Ann Marie here, I was away the end of February with Keri and her family in Disney, February had been a very busy month, Christmas and all that before. I don't think Smith and the twins had been up here since mid January, possibly a mid February visit.  March I was down there for St. Patrick's day then there was the big two year old birthday party in Pompano so I have been going to see the twins at their house rather than them coming here. Thus the recent chorus of GAMMAMA'S HOUSE!  GAMMAMA'S HOUSE !!!!  I think they have even taken their show on the road to day care and are sharing it with the teacher's at school.

And so Easter Sunday was the BIG day to come to Gammama's house and have a wild and crazy day with their cousins and grandma who thanks to the wonderful kisses from Grey on her second birthday 2 weeks ago has the adult version of 2 year old croup.  (I will NEVER EVER refuse the kiss of a two year old unless it means I will reinfect her. I knew she had a drippy nose when I kissed her on her birthday and when she kept kissing me I could not resist but accepted as many of those juicy wonderful kisses as were offered.) And so, sure enough 10 days later, to the minute, grandma got sick!  I knew it was coming, I drank orange juice, I sucked on Zicam, I schlurped bone broth and nothing kept away those powerful germs that only a 2 year old can brew. Down for the count went grandma and Easter Sunday was a shadowy blur of kids and food and noise and kids. We had a wonderful time and I even braved, (for the sake of my beloved twins) putting on a bathing suit at 4 in the cloudy afternoon to go in the chilly pool with the naked twins (Their request "get naked" when they saw the big cousins in the pool). Naturally no other adult had a bathing suit with them on this overcast day and Kristen and her mom were having heart attacks at the antics of dare devil Grey so I figured if Grey and Wynn were going to have any fun at all I better get in there with them. In we went until their lips turned blue and they couldn't stop shaking from the cold.  That should help their constantly dripping noses. I figure it is a good way to clear sinuses ! It really was fun for the 10 minutes or so we were in there.  Kaelin, Smith and Finn were in a good half hour or more and had a ball.  Kaelin and Smith can pretty much swim on their own. Finn is still in the beginning stages but after his time down here he is getting braver by the moment.

And so Easter was a success for all !  The Easter bunny hid the baskets and a ton of eggs.  ALL of which were found, thanks to Aunt Keri who was the egg Nazi making sure that grandma wasn't going to have any horrid smells wafting through my house in about a week.  She kept good count and made sure we found every single egg. I was having trouble counting at that point so Keri did a great job.
Once again I over cooked the roast. I think I need to retire from the kitchen.  My thinking facilities are slipping.  Early stages of dementia ?  Fatigue from being the hostess? Once again hosting a holiday dinner while battling an illness ?  Thank goodness for the family. They took over the kitchen and cleaned and cooked.

I think maybe I will just live here and keep the place in my name and let the kids come in and care for it.  They can cook and clean and entertain here all they want and just let it be known as
                                       GAMMAMA'S  HOUSE

Friday, March 18, 2016


The queen of shopping and fashion is once again vacationing with me at my home. Yes,  Aunt Ann Marie is here for her annual visit and as usual she is putting me to shame. Gerry's sister is ten years older than me, making her a whopping EIGHTY and yet looking not a day over sixty. She is a size 8 and just plain looks fabulous.  She could put on a pair of sweat pants and a baggy tee shirt and look like she came off the fashion run way.  (Not that I have ever seen her wear baggy sweats and tee shirts but I know she would still look good if she did.) She has her hair and nails done weekly and her make up is always perfect.
In other words, she is my complete opposite ! But for some reason we have always hit it off and have always gotten along very well. Husband and I always included her in our vacations once our kids were grown so Ann Marie is used to my quirks and travels well with me. Each year since I have been in Florida she has come down for a couple of weeks to enjoy the winter weather here while the NY winter blew itself out back home.  Last year she came down for her brother's funeral so it wasn't much of a vacation but this year she and I picked up where we left off, complete with her unending wardrobe of never ending changes of clothes.  Ann Marie has been here two full weeks and with the exception of one beach cover up I have yet to see her wear the same piece of clothing twice!  I, on the other hand, who have an entire closet full of clothing to choose from continue to choose the same two or three favorites. Why venture into unchartered territory when we know what's comfortable? Ann came out this morning in the third bathing suit I have seen her in. THREE bathing suits for a 2 weeks stay? FOUR beach cover ups?  So far I have seen FOUR different sweaters and FIVE different pairs of slacks.  I've lost track of the number of shoes.
Perhaps this is why the woman always looks so good. She has a suitcase the size of a refrigerator and an make up case the size of a microwave. When I travel I have a suitcase the size of a microwave and don't have a make up case.  Perhaps I should take lessons from Ann Marie.  Or NOT !

Monday, March 7, 2016


Today was my favorite day!  It was colonoscopy day. And Why would I consider this a favorite day? Because I know I don't have to think about it again for another FIVE YEARS !!!!!
Just another one of those wonderful things that we get to do in order to continue to keep ourselves alive and healthy. I want to hang out in this world a bit longer and be in good enough shape to enjoy myself while I'm here so I will do all that I need to do in order to make that happen. Even the nasty stuff that causes a doctor to go where no one dares to go. I was fortunate enough to have the DELUXE package today by also having an endoscopy, where the doctor got to look  down my throat and into my stomach. Much to my delight his findings were better than that of the previous questionable doctor who performed this procedure on me 3 years ago and told me I had a pre cancerous condition. Before I could discuss his findings that doctor left his practice and moved across the country under suspicious circumstances so I never fully trusted his diagnosis.  Today's procedures were quite a relief with much better results and not the least pain in the butt !
Even the prep for this whole thing has become super simple compared to what we used to have to endure. The entire prep involved drinking 2 table spoons of Milk of Magnesia on Saturday night. (Didn't even taste it!) Sunday was liquid diet day. Took 2 tiny pills at noon and then at 4:00 started drinking ice cold yummy yellow Gatorade laced with Miralax.  Stuff tastes GREAT.  That was it !
I will admit that by 7:30 PM I was sloshing . My belly was so full of fluids that I thought I would pop if I had to drink one more ounce of the 64 ounces of Gatorade but I just quit for an hour and then I was fine.


I must admit,  I had a great night's sleep, no heartburn, no jumping up to pee . . .  it was amazing.  I should stop all food and drink by 8:00 every night.  This morning I got a warm blanket at the hospital, got to sleep with some goooooooooooood drugs, got a hot cup of coffee and some crackers, (I really would have liked a donut or a hot roll but the crackers were okay.) and a ride home from my daughter.  Then I got to take the day off and RELAX !  My kind of day !   Who says they hate going for a colonoscopy ???

Friday, March 4, 2016


As in "Eventually I will get around to 'IT' ".  So if you just wait long enough I will get back to blogging, cleaning my house, shopping for food, straightening the closet, washing the car, feeding the cat . . . oops, make that burying the cat, watering the plants, reading the paper and so on.  There is always a tomorrow, or at least, one can hope there will be a tomorrow to get things done. Not to say I procrastinate but I do like to do things when the weather is fitting the project and my mood.

Most recently this pertained to the shed. Our house has a small 10' X 3' shed attached to the west side of it. Just enough room to store enough crap to make cleaning it out a major project. The shed is in the sun all afternoon so it is not a project I want to attack in the summer.  This is the perfect time of year to get to it but it is just never the right time. Why could we possibly need a shed in a community where ALL the landscaping is done for us, ALL the OUTSIDE maintenance is taken care of for us and anything that needs repairing we hire some one to take care of it?  WE do not own bicycles. We do have a pool but we have some one take care of that so we do not need to store chemicals for that. The shed SHOULD be empty. And yet it is NOT! Rather when you attempt to open the huge WARPED door you are met with a wall of junk that immediately says to you, "SLAM THE DOOR AND RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"  No one in their right mind would stand there longer than two seconds because if the sight of the mess doesn't scare you off the over powering smell that assaults your senses and knocks you down cold and sends you scrambling backwards hoping the dead whatever it is isn't coming to get you.
I've decided the smell is the combination of the 14 bags of different fertilizers we have purchased over the years, used once and then stored away not completely sealed tight. Why so many when we have a landscaper take care of all this? You know that old theory, If a little helps then why not add a little more! And there are all the potted plants on the patio that the landscaper doesn't care for. (All 5 pots) So over the 12 years of living here when the plants looked pale, off we would go to Home Depot for another bag of plant food without ever thinking to look in the shed to see what was in there. Mostly because the door of the shed was too hard to open and it smelled horrible in there so lets just buy a new bag!

Backing up to last Sunday when grand son Smith had slept over. . . .  Smith and I go next door to feed the neighbor's cat. A chore I MUST do on a daily basis because it is not MY cat. On our way back into my garage Smith spies my small garden shovel that Finn had left outside the door. "Can I dig?", inquires Smith. So off we go to the side of the house by the shed and Smith proceeds to dig 2 very EXCELLENT holes in which we will plant something EVENTUALLY. While Smith is digging I decided to attack the shed even though I am not wearing a HAZ MAT suit.  Smith comes over when he sees all the interesting things emerging from the shed and decides that in spite of the horrific smell he wants to help. He and I fill 2 huge garbage cans with junk and fill the back of my car with things that I will EVENTUALLY bring to a friend who's husband is so handy he can find a use for almost anything.  So now the shed is half empty, I have a car full of junk that I have to drop at Theresa's house and a shed that I will eventually finish cleaning out.

In the mean time Summer is returning to South Florida, My sister-in-law is arriving on Monday, same day I have scheduled my colonoscopy , the grand kids are sleeping over tomorrow night if they aren't coming down with colds and I remember to hide the gifts I bought for Finn for his birthday the end of this month before he shows up to sleep over.

I'll get to it all EVENTUALLY !

Thursday, March 3, 2016


What the hell happened to January and February ?????   I think I am related to Rip van Winkle and have lost some months here. (And NO I am not taking any little purple pills !)  I think I just stepped into the jet stream or something.  It might have to do with those snow birds that arrive in Florida in January and just hurry the pace of things. Everything gets more crowded and faster paced and I just got swept up in it, like the sea turtles in the movie " . . . "  TOTAL BLANK . . . You know the movie with Dori the fish in it . . .  OH "Finding Nemo",  that's the one.  The turtles catch the Gulf Stream and get swept all the way  up the coast and all across the Atlantic.  Well,  that's me !  I've been swept up in some huge current of life and can't get out of it long enough to write a blog or check an e mail. I'm barely keeping ahead of the bill collectors ! This is all not to say I'm not having a good time. We can start at Christmas and move forward from there.

* Christmas in Florida  a cruise with Kyle and family  Great FUN !

* CHRISTMAS DAY with Kyle and family, Kent and family, Kristen's mom and lots of fun fun fun!

* New Years Keri and family arrived for their 4 month rental in a community just down the road from my community. Kyle and family left town and Kent and family joined us for New Year's Eve. Kent was DJ ing at a very popular local restaurant so Keri, Steve and Kristen went to celebrate and enjoy Kent's music and grand ma and the 5 kids all were asleep by 8:30 !  Best time EVER !

*Grand ma's teeth start falling apart and I get to spend a small fortune and many hours in the dentist office having oral surgery and getting caps and crowns on teeth ! Bah Humbug !

* I join the Life Long Learning Society at the local university campus of FAU (Florida Atlantic University) and attend a couple of lectures that are really interesting and fairly inexpensive. (Because I have nothing better to do with my limited time and money.)

* My friends Jeanne and Frank arrive for a month (to their condo in Hobe Sound) so I get to spend a lot of time with them.

* I attend a yoga class, which almost kills me, so I try a different yoga center and this one is much better so I make a vow to attend twice a week. So far I have been there ONCE!

* Because it is now the season of Lent and I have missed mass twice, eaten meat every Friday and not gotten ashes or gotten to mass on Ash Wednesday I have vowed to go to daily mass. I got there ONCE!

* February Abby arrived from Atlanta for 5 whole days with Grand ma! She flew ALONE !  We had a ball !  Laughed a lot and got to hang with cousin Kaelin and Finn a lot!

* I schedule knee replacement surgery for April 6.

* I go to Disney World with Keri and her family. Keri runs a half marathon on Sunday at Disney and then we walk around Disney World for 12 hours on Monday. No one dies! My knees are fine.

* I cancel my knee replacement surgery.

* I meet some new people through mutual friends and we hit it off so now I have more folks to hang out with in my free time. A lunch here and there and a drive down to Key Largo to pick up some tee shirts for friends back home. (Yes, I know you can get them on line but it's not the same as actually GOING to Key Largo!) Fortunately the new friend is a snow bird and returning to the cold North tomorrow so that social commitment will cease.

That about cover the adventures with the exception of the day to day stuff. My friends here are all complaining that they never get to see me any more and I am complaining that I never get to just sit and read the paper.   Such problems !