Sunday, September 25, 2016


Boy, does time fly when you're having fun!  I just checked in on my blog and it HAS been 5 weeks since I last wrote anything.  Not that I haven't thought of writing a hundred times over but I haven't been near my computer or iPad and trying to write on my phone is IMPOSSIBLE. Dictating a blog is impossible because of spell check . . .  my "NEW YAWK" throws spell check into a tizzy and comes up with some real whoppers for translations. And so I have put the thoughts aside and promptly forgotten every single one of them. I do know I had some real good thinks along the way that I was enjoying writing in my head but sorry to say they are long gone. You just never know what may pop back in to the void between my ears and now that I have returned to home base and command central I'm more likely to sit down and write when something pops into my brain. Like the thought that I had while in the kitchen just ten minutes ago.  Too bad I took all that time writing this previous paragraph and forgot what I was going to write about !

Oh Yea . . .  I remember now,  Just walked back into the kitchen and it came to me !  So . . . .  I'm back from the FANTASTIC AND FABULOUS FIFTY TWO day trek across the country and I had a BLAST !!!!!!  Thank you one and all who contributed to the on going party from Maine to Alaska. Alaska is one AMAZING state and I can see why people choose to move there.  I'm not sure about the whole winter thing but summer in Alaska is like no place else on earth. If it were up to me I would not have come home but that choice was not left up to me so here I am, back in my little condo with all my STUFF yet to be organized and put away. Remember, I had just moved in here 3 weeks before I left on my journey and I hadn't really gotten anything settled in or set up. I left 2 large book cases to be put together when I got home and several cardboard boxes still to be unpacked. Where anything in those boxes are going to go is still a mystery since every inch of space is filled. The ONE and only closet is filled to the brim and the drawers in the kitchen are filled to overflowing.
Project # one was to bring in my suitcase and back pack and get them UN-packed and all that stuff put away. Then it is on to doing three loads of laundry and putting all that away. Now I can move on to looking at those boxes. Oh Oh, wait a minute, can't do that yet! Don't have any food in the house, got to go grocery shopping but don't have any place to put the new groceries so have to clean out the fridge and pantry to fit the new food in. Okay, now we can attack the boxes. Oops, wait a minute, I have to empty out the closet so I can put the suit case away so I can get to my bed.  Good ! Closet is straightened up so I can put the suitcase in there so now I'll work on that box in the dining room. Box # 1 has books in it so it looks like I better put together the book shelf that I bought before I went away. I get the first book shelf put together fine but book shelf # 2 is missing the little bag of hardware so I can't put that together and half the books are now laying on the floor in the middle of the room. I call the 1-800 customer service number and get a recording that I can NOT understand to save my soul so I go on line and fill out the information form and pray they will send me the necessary hardware.
At this point I decide to just stop and write a blog to say "HI!".    What's new with you ?