Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Britney Spears step away from the shears !   That is my new mantra.  Not only did I color my hair last night, I got out the scissors and that means DISASTER !

I think I was so upset with the horrid color, (everyone says "It's not that dark.") that I got out the scissors and started to "TRIM" a little off the back, a little off the sides, a little off the top . . . . And when you start with SHORT hair and start trimming you wind up with REALLY short hair. So now I look like . . .

                   CRAP !

Not only is my hair a weird color but it is now sticking out in strange spikes and cow licks all over. I feel like crap so now I look like crap too.  Add to that the HUGE HONKING ZIT from hell that is on my chin and just will NOT go away and hurts like hell besides.

It has not been a good mental health day for me. Aside from looking stupid I did get up and walk this morning. Then it started to rain and it was down hill from there.  We went to dinner tonight with in-laws of Ann Marie's and my dinner was HORRIBLE !  The place is one we like very much and the food is usually great but tonight the chef must have dropped the salt shaker into my dinner because it was so salty it was disgusting. I DID eat it !

Is there a full moon out there cause I really feel like I should be growing fangs and running through the swamp.

Hope tomorrow is better.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'M DYING . . . .

(Think Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz when reading the title and say it like she would say, "I'm melting!)  Or you could just hit the delete button and forget the whole thing.

I'm spending the evening dying my hair. The excitement and suspense just doesn't hit more of a fevered pitch than this.  I have no idea what color my  hair actually is any more. I think it would turn into a nasty sort of salt and pepper thing which would make me look even more like my mom. (I came in from the pool yesterday and looked in the mirror and there was my mother staring back at me!) Most days I think I look like my father but I think because I am desperate for some color in my hair my mother is seeping through. I just happened to be in CVS today (does everyone out there have a CVS pharmacy within spitting distance?) so I purchased some hair color. I thought this would be a good evening to close myself in my room and see if I could transform myself into a less antique version of myself.

Insert here a ringing telephone and ensuing 25 minute conversation.   Also insert the following warning that should be printed on EVERY box of hair color. DO NOT LEAVE DYE ON HAIR LONGER THAN 25 MINUTES !

I always wanted to be a red head . . .  looks like I got my wish.  The gist of this blog was that every time I color my hair I am never quite sure just what I will get.  I stay in the "BLONDE" category of color but there are soooooooooooooooooooooo  many choices and I do like to switch it up a little each time. I am staying away from "ASH" because that is just too close to grey and the last few times I have had "evaluations" for my back or the police report for the accident I had back in October my hair color has been noted as GREY.  What is the sense of coloring my hair if it still looks grey?  So I have been leaning toward "NATURAL BLONDE" but even that was getting boring. So today I bought Light GOLDEN blonde.

I GOT RED !  Apparently Golden Blonde is a nice way of saying, "If you leave this color in your hair too long (while you are blabbing on a phone) your hair will turn RED.  So like it's not Lucille Ball red but it sure isn't going to be mistaken for grey. Which I suppose is what I was going for in the first place but I may have to take an extra Valium tonight just to ease the shock of looking in the mirror. The color of my hair matches exactly to the color of the sun burn on my face so when I look in the mirror all I see is Elmo or Clifford the Big Red Dog.

At least I did NOT see my mother this time but I'm thinking there is a striking resemblance to Ronald Mc Donald or Clarabell the Clown.  I hope it will wash out after a few days if I wash my hair 20 times a day.
And Please Please pray it doesn't turn lavender when I go in the pool.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


It was a great day! We can start there. REALLY great day. Any day with Smith is a Great day !

BUT . . . Grandma is getting old and because I LOVE to entertain family and friends OCCASIONALLY I tend to go out of the way "fussing" to make the occasion nice. I have been cutting corners the older I get, frozen mashed potatoes, creamed spinach that is already creamed and ready to microwave and serve and desserts bought from the bakery at the super market. Gone are the days of baking cakes and pealing potatoes but there are some things that I just want to have MADE FRESH.  Salad is one of those things. Now in our house "salad" equals LETTUCE. Maybe an occasional tomato thrown in but NOTHING else.  NO cucumbers, God forbid NO green peppers, (Ger HATES any sort of peppers), NO onion, (that gives us gas), NO olives, cheese, radishes or any other sort of fancy stuff.  Just PLAIN old lettuce. (I have graduated to Romaine lettuce from ice burg but that is as wild and crazy as it gets!)
But today we are having guests so I want to go out of the way to make a NICE dinner. The guests are only Smith's parents and his Aunt Brie but they are still guests so a shopping we did go. WE found some delicious looking steak, cheese & Spinach pinwheels. Excellent for the main course.  Corn on the cob is always fun with a barbecue and a salad, done deal. I made brochette with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese to have as a filler and we were good to go. But the salad can't just be plain old lettuce for company so I decided to make friend Jeanne's famous STRAWBERRY salad. Fabulous recipe, fairly easy to throw together and just delish!

BUT, this is Smith who is coming and I don't want to waste one minute of his visit cooking so the day before Aunt AM and I hit the kitchen and sliced and diced and cut and pared and pealed and pureed. Today we got up and had to throw the last minute things together, Smith arrived, we played, he napped, we ate, he woke up and we played some more. Throw a dog walk or two in there and you have our afternoon that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Now they have gone home and I am barely able to stay upright in front of the computer.
Grandma is getting old and I need a nap before bed time.  BUT A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!


1 Head Romaine lettuce
1 Head Boston Red leaf lettuce   (I often just use 2 heads of romaine)
1 Pint of strawberries cut up
1 Cup shredded Montery Jack Cheese
1/2 Cup walnuts

Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl and pour dressing on just before serving.

DRESSING  Can be made day or two before serving so flavors mix

1 Cup VEGETABLE oil  (Do NOT use olive oil!)
2/3 Cup sugar  (I have used splenda and it works great)
1/2 Cup red wine vinegar
2 Cloves of garlic minced

Mix vinegar and sugar over low heat until sugar dissolves.  Let cool before adding oil and garlic. Season to taste with salt & pepper and small amount of paprika.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I happen to believe in ghosts.  I'm up for anything in the world of supernatural but ghosts are just a given. The DO exist! For what ever reason these are souls have left the Earthly realm and gotten "Stuck" some where between HERE & THERE.  And so these spirits are around trying to get some place better than where they are. Some times, in order to move on, they annoy the living. REALLY ANNOY the living.

Husband is a ghost!  He exists in a world that is neither living nor dead. It is his "happy place" where he is not happy unless he is annoying the hell out of me. I'm not sure where he wants to be but it seems he has gone straight from haunting his mother to haunting me. There were a few very short years that H actually seemed to be a LIVING being. He could make decisions ON HIS OWN. He could plan things to do ON HIS OWN. He even was funny and clever. But slowly and surely he has returned to this state of being a ghost, floating around in my life with no purpose other than to drag me down to his plane of existence.
The man can not decide anything or do anything ON HIS OWN.  I need to be consulted about everything except the things that I would consider important. I will hear (many many times) about how late the paper was delivered but I will NOT hear about how he has a pain in his leg for the past week ! He requires endless attention but when I give him attention it annoys him. We wants me to make all the decisions but pisses and moans when I do. And so he HAUNTS me! He floats through my day, appearing at odd times to sit and stare at me while I am on the computer or working in the garden. There are the endless questions of "Can I do anything?" but when I ask him to do something he says he will get to it later. And so he just continues to float back and forth from in front of the TV into my world and out again.  Is it any wonder I do NOT want to get up in the morning? H can't understand how I can sleep till 11. I just don't want to get into the haunting of the day.
At the moment the ghost has gone for a walk . . .  ALONE . . . and in a mood ! He doesn't have a thing to do and does not realize that HE has to find things to do and not depend on me to entertain him each and every moment.  Poor thing!  I really do wish he would return to the living and find something worth while do do with himself.  Don't bother suggesting things because the ghost will only do things that I WILL DO WITH HIM.  This walking by himself is something fairly new and although he will piss and moan that I won't go with him at least he is doing it ALONE!
Anyone got the number for Ghost Busters?

Monday, February 20, 2012


Today my little "Frizzlebean" turns 4 !  WE will probably be seeing her one of these days as her other Grandpa, Fred, is very ill and will probably pass away in the near future.  That's a lousy reason to get a trip to MD but I will be delighted to see my little ones. Kaelin had a party on Saturday with ALL of her Maryland family there with her. Even her cousin Jansen and her friend from school, Brook, were at the party and from what we saw a GREAT time was had by all.  The two girls got to wear "Fairy" wings that mommy bought and the cake was decorated with Tinker Bell and all her Fairy friends. The princesses took a back seat to the fairies for the party but Kaelin got a Princess dress for her birthday so today when the family went to see DISNEY ON ICE Kaelin was dressed like the princess Bell from Beauty and the Beast. We just got off the computer Skyping with the family and Kaelin is WIRED! She looks like a princes and they all had a wonderful wonderful time at the show, with the exception of the idiot people who don't own watches so they never make it to the show on time. Keri says they even held up starting the show so that all the late comers would be seated but there were still people pushing their way into the aisle once the show had started.  That is just plain rude!  What ever happened to the Broadway show action of shutting the doors once the show started so that the audience who did get there on time were not disturbed by the idiots who are late?  Got me!
So the fourth birthday was a huge success and Grand ma cannot believe that it has been 4 years since this beautiful child was born. I still can't get it through my head that Abby is 7 ! SEVEN !  Impossible!
And speaking of Abby . . .   she and her family just returned from Marrakesh. I used to think it was a big deal to go to Rockaway when I was a kid. That was a BIG vacation. And now my grand kids are traveling half way around the world. But when you live in England, Morocco is only 3 hours away by plane so why not go?  The gang was there for 4 days and they had a ball.  Abby rode a camel, Roman said it was "TOO TALL" for him so he stayed on the ground. They had a tour guide drive them all around and take them to the "souks" or markets. That was the high point what with the snake charmers and trained monkeys.  Now they are back in chilly England and starting on the next 6 weeks of school until they are off for their next adventure.
As for us, we are waiting for the arrival of Ger's sister Ann Marie.  You remember her, the queen of shopping. I am sure she will have at least 2 HUGE suitcases and 2 carry ons and then not know where she will pack all the things she buys down here when it is time to go home. We actually talked her into coming for 3 weeks this time and I can't wait.  We have such a good time together she is always a welcome guest. But then we will probably have to take off for a few days to go to MD for a funeral and leave AM here on her own to soak up the sun all by herself.  I'll be sure to leave her a list of chores !

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I feel like the Grinch at Christmas. I HATE Valentines Day. Almost as much as I HATE Mothers Day.  Stupid days are just  a money making gimmick for card stores and flower shops. I much prefer to ignore these days but when everyone around you is all smiley and happy it is tough to pretend it is just another day.
I have been dealing with a husband who has had his "cranky pants" on for the past 2 days so that has not helped the mood. In fact if Cupid had flown over our house today I would have hit him with a broom. But like the day or not H came through with a box of chocolates and a cute card. Usually he buys Mushy cards for me. Ones that express his undying love and tell me that even though he doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve he does indeed love me. Today's card was funny and light and just signed GER.  No "LOVE" GER, just Ger. I guess he doesn't feel much like being all lovey dovey and mushy either.
At least we're on the same page for a change.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I just had THE MOST frustrating shopping experience EVER!  Husband has been accompanying me EVERY WHERE these days and I will admit that is because I have invited him. STUPID STUPID ME!

I have been going to the chiropractor twice a week this past month, taking advantage of the insurance company paying because of the accident back in October. The coverage stops as of this week and that will be fine with me but since I have had FREE (I know, we are all paying for it) adjustments I have been taking advantage of the twice a week visits to keep my back flexible. H likes to come with me and sit in the car for the half hour it takes to crack my bones and then we go for breakfast at Hobos. A great little local place just down the block from the chiropractor's office with great food and very reasonable prices. Basically H and I sit and watch the other customers and waitresses because we have nothing to talk about other than what H has seen on the TV news this morning or read in the paper while waiting for me. (Because H is with me 24/7 there isn't a hell of a lot that we have to talk about.)
Today, after breakfast, I had told H I wanted to go to the Mall to get some new sneakers. I did hope he might say he would stay home but I know better to think I can get out of his sight for more than 20 minutes. My old Wallmart sneakers had seen their $19.99 days worth of wear and were slowly falling apart. The sole on the one sneaker was falling off and I sounded and looked like a duck when ever I walked, what with the flapping sole. (I already waddle on my own so this really gave me a true duck look. On a good day I might even give off a quack or two.)

We arrived at Sears where I had a few hundred "REWARD POINTS" that were about to expire.
Would someone please explain these STUPID reward points to me!  You get points to spend money. Then you can redeem points to save money. Except I have to spend a gazillion dollars to get one point and I have to save up a gazillion points to save a dollar. Makes no sense to me!
Anyway . . .  there we were in Sears and guess what? EVERYTHING WAS ON SALE! I mean, ON SALE!  70% off, 80% off, prices were SLASHED!  Despite the fact that the "normal" prices are so over the top expensive I realize I am really NOT saving that much. But all those "$ OFF" signs just trigger my shopping adrenalin and I want to SHOP!  NO CAN DO when I am there with H.  I did find good sneakers, ON SALE, and I was allowed to go into the baby department to find jammies with feet for Finley. (Keri told us yesterday that Finn needed these so H was OK to shop for them.) Once I started drifting into the little girl department H started to hyperventilate. When I was inching my way to the woman's department I thought he was going to have an all out fit. He was literally shaking and breaking out into a sweat. He kept walking toward the check out while calling my name. I GOT THE HINT!
ALL those things on sale . . .  and I didn't shop. I am in withdrawal and planning how to sneak out of the house to ride back over to Sears. Do I NEED anything in the way of clothes? NO! Of course not but it is the idea of the hunt. Do big game hunters need a Lion's head on their living room wall . . . HELL NO! But it is all about the challenge. So the sales at Sears will go on without me. I have no more points to spend any way and I sure don't need to collect any more stupid points that usually expire before I go shopping again.
But I have to say, I am jealous of my SINGLE sister-in-law, Ann Marie who lives about a mile from her mall and is there EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. She NEVER misses a sale!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


My knowledge of Africa is non existent. I know it is on the other side of the Atlantic and it has a LOT of countries on/in it. There are very poor countries in which you hear horrible things are happening. There is South Africa that I know has Dutch history but much beyond that, I KNOW NOTHING! Knowing that I know nothing I would never want to be on Jeopardy. (Not to mention that I don't know much about all sorts of things.) Africa is one of those places that I have lumped in with China, Japan and basically the entire middle East that I NEVER want to visit. So why am I writing a blog about a place I don't care about, (I care deeply about the starving children and the genocide that plagues this continent but I do nothing about it.) or even know anything about?

Abby and Roman are in Africa! We can narrow it down to Marrakesh, Morocco. I had no idea where Marrakesh was before the kids went there on vacation. But thanks to Google I now know that it Morocco is a country in north west Africa.  Marrakesh is a city in the country of Morocco. Beyond that . . . I know nothing !
Why would someone want to go there? Why Not !  If you are living in England and have a weeks vacation then go go go. I wonder if Abby and Roman understand the amazing opportunities they have living in England and traveling all over the world on their vacations? Probably not now but some day I know they will look back in amazement. And Ger and I thought we were doing such wonderful traveling with our children when they were young.  Ten years of traveling across the United States in a pop up camper just can't compare with the experiences of Abby and Roman. But then, when you think about it, just the idea of traveling outside your city or state is an experience so many kids will never have.

TAKE LOTS OF  PICTURES!  And don't forget to ride a camel while you're there. Don't bring home any figs or dates even though I bet they are wonderful. The UK won't let you back in with food.
The more I think about it, I may have to put Marrakesh on my bucket list. I bet it is fantastic !

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I must have had a lousy nights sleep last night because I am tired today.  I do remember having some REALLY weird dreams near morning, which was why I didn't want to get up. I wanted to see where the dreams were headed. It seems that I have my most realistic dreams early in the morning when I am in that half sleep. Often I realize I am dreaming and can change the direction of  the dream and then continue it after I fall asleep again.  I never said I was normal!
I DO remember waking up A LOT last night scratching my shoulder and my neck. For some reason my skin gets terribly itchy at night and, like my poor daughter and grand daughter, I will be scratching away in my sleep and wake myself up. So tonight I took an allergy pill with hopes that will knock me out for a good nights sleep.
Once Ger was able to get me up today we headed down to Ft. L to see Smith but more importantly to see some NY friends who were in town for a few days. Patrick B and his lovely girl friend J are vacationing in a swanky hotel right on the beach. P&J are from Long Island and I haven't seen Pat in over a year. I baby sat a year for this young man right after he was born and he is like family. Pat is handsome, Smart smart smart, funny and just all around great guy. He and J seem very happy together and seem to be a great match.
As luck would have it Pat's mom was in Miami for business this week so she drove up from there and we all met for lunch. Kent and Kristen brought Smith over once Smith woke up from his nap and we spent a great couple of hours laughing, drinking and eating. The lobster roll was OUTSTANDING! and according to Lynne the Mojitos were pretty good too!
Once we caught up on everyone's lives we parted ways and we went to the play ground with Smith for a while but the little guy wanted to go to his car so we let the kids head home and G and I did the same. Once we got home you would think we had run a marathon or something because G and I both fell into our recliners and that was it for the night.
Of course, now that it is almost 10PM I am getting my second wind and will probably be awake for hours. Good luck getting me up for church tomorrow!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Went to the chiropractor again today and he is on my case, (rightfully so), to get my arse in gear and get exercising. I have given up on Curves mostly because it was getting to be a bore and I was feeling stressed to get myself there 3 times a week. Not a good mental state so I dropped out when my membership expired. Did I pick up another form of exercise?  Who are you kidding . . . Exercise is a dirty word to me so I have just been coasting along telling myself that carrying the laundry basket from the bedroom to the washer was good enough. Then there were the days that I really got wild and crazy and actually took a walk for 10 minutes. WOO HOO !  Needless to say my bones and muscles are needing more than 20 minutes a week.
I HATE exercise! Hate with a capital H !  Nothing more boring and dull than exercising. Walking on the treadmill isn't quite as bad as long as I can watch a movie and eat a snack while doing it. But since I can't get my wireless connection working the movie watching is out so I haven't been near the treadmill in months.
Today H and I were going to take a nice long walk over in one of the local jungles that are called "parks" but it was pouring rain all day so that was out. I decided I would come home and clean the garage. That would include a lot of lifting, bending, and general moving around. But when we came home and I finished checking out Facebook the sun had come out so I wanted to be out side. The humidity has been high this week and once the sun came out the thermometer went up to the high 70's. The pool has been looking particularly wonderful these days but it IS February, which means that the water in our unheated pool is usually quite chilly. I went out anyway and stuck in a toe and low and behold it really wasn't that cold. (0r so my toe thought). I didn't dare look at the alligator thermometer floating around in the water because if I had a number in my head I wouldn't get in. It did take a moment or ten to get into the water but it was a great incentive to MOVE !  I jumped, kicked, did jumping jacks and all sorts of other lively movements just to stay warm and by the time I was warming up I had been exercising for 20 minutes. GO FIGURE!  It felt great and I felt like I had actually done something to help this aging old body.

(I think the screams of shock getting into the water probably burned off more calories than the actual exercise but as long as I'm burning calories, who cares how I do it! )  BTW  The water was 77 degrees. That is warmer than the ocean is right now. And you have to admit, it does look inviting!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I have to get the tax papers together to send off to the tax guy but I just can't get myself in gear to do the dirty deed. Probably because I am thinking our luck has finally run out and we will have to PAY the government this year. Only one way to find out but I just can't find the time to pull all these papers together. There aren't that many papers cause we don't have that much money. NO stocks to speak of, no big investments, no real estate except the house and the little square cement box in the cemetery. No dependents unless Husband classifies for that since he is about as dependent as they come but I don't think the government considers that a REAL dependent. The biggest mess to pull together is our donation's. I donate to ALL sorts of charities and pulling that together takes time. Those $10 here and $15 there add up but all those little scraps of paper also add up to a big pile of paper that is spilled out on the kitchen island with hopes that it will all blow out the back door. But with it would go my only hope of getting any sort of a refund so I better go get busy before I am chasing papers all over the golf course and in the pool which is way too chilly to go in.

On the up side G and I took a nice LONG walk in Riverbend Park today. WE followed a couple of trails through the woods and along the river and it was lovely.  I am in desperate mode to loose 20 pounds before next Thursday when I have to see the cardiologist who will give me "THE LOOK" when he reads my latest weight. Explaining that Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas AND a cruise all fell between now and my last check up will make no difference to this man. I know he has  my best interest at heart but I just HATE having to admit I am a weak, food loving fat lady.
I guess my procrastinating extends into all facets of my life.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Not talking about a tourist site or a restaurant . . . talking about buying a spot for our ashes after we kick the bucket. It's been something that I have been pushing Ger to do something about because, well, you just never know. And then this whole thing with Keri's father-in-law just brought it home that we have no control over the when and how of our demise. Fred was going strong one day and a month later his family is watching him die. God Bless them all !
G and I had decided a while back that we didn't want our remains brought back to NY. We found Paradise in Florida and might as well let our remains spend eternity here. It's as good a place as any and maybe our kids will visit. We knew we would be buried in the Catholic Cemetery in Royal Palm Beach, (doesn't that sound so fancy?) but just never found the time to do anything about it. Thanks to the AMERICAN GIRL DOLL we finally got our butts in gear and bought a spot.
Now there has to be a story there . . .
We gave Abby an AGD for her birthday and it was apparently a HUGE hit. (You don't know how happy that makes me that I know my beautiful Abby well enough to think of this gift for her. I swear sometimes I think she is my clone minus 130 pounds.) So now she has the doll and Grandma has a new source of spending. Low and Behold Ger finds a coupon in our paper for a doll factory in Royal Palm Beach that sells all sorts of clothes and accessories for the doll. Today was our day to go see what this place was all about. We found a coupon in the coupon book for a place for breakfast in RPB and off we went with our trusty GPS to go discover what this area had to offer. We had an idea of where Royal Palm is but really didn't know anything about the area. Also tucked in the back of our heads was the fact the cemetery is also out there.
Slight problem when we discovered the GPS was not working. It wouldn't turn on and just sat there on the dash board like a lump. We were on our own with only our great intelligence to aid us.
we started driving and when we saw the sign welcoming us to Cuba we knew we were in trouble.  JUST KIDDING !
We passed the cemetery so we knew we were in Royal Palm. We had the address for the restaurant and saw the street it was on and just followed the addresses till we got to where we wanted to be. Breakfast was delicious and we were feeling really smart. The waitress gave us directions to the doll factory and after a few wrong turns we called the place and were guided to it with no further problems. THAT place turned out to be a GOLD MINE !  I was like a kid in a candy shop and will have to take Abby there when she comes to visit. I bought 3 outfits for the doll at prices WAY lower than the American Girl Doll web site. (For any of you with kids or grand kids that are into this check this out . . .    . . .   They make some of their own fashions and have others that come directly from AGD. They also have all sorts of other dolls and clothing and furniture.
After our shopping spree there I revived Ger and we drove on to the cemetery. At the cemetery we were given the fifty cent tour and picked out our building and niche where our ashes will be placed. Our "host" (he really didn't come across as a sales man) soon realized that we REALLY didn't care where our ashes went and since we planned on being dead the view really didn't matter to us. We did get a niche that was on sale so no matter the view, we got a good deal. We explained to Michael that we were planning on spending all our money before we went so the cheaper the better. But it is a lovely spot with a view of a field with Costco in the distance. But it does face West so we will be able to "see" all the wonderful Florida sunsets.
And to top off a great day, we had dinner with Jeanne and Frank who are returning to NY tomorrow. :-(
But they will be back in mid February so that's a good thing. And should we kick the bucket before then they can visit us in our new digs and have breakfast at a great little restaurant. It's a win win for all !

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Either Husband is a total clutz or he is really really dumb. This is not being mean but just stating a very obvious fact.

You know how toddlers always have a bruise in the middle of their forehead from falling down and hitting their heads? Well, H always had a scab in the center of his bare head. (And since there is less and less hair up there it is becoming more and more noticeable. The man can not learn to OPEN the car trunk to its FULL OPEN position. He insists on just swinging it up and letting go before it stops moving. He then proceeds to reach into the trunk and smash his head AGAIN AND AGAIN on the half open door. AND THEN HE LOOKS AT ME LIKE IT IS MY FAULT!  That is the best part. But the car isn't the only demon in H's life. There is the plastic storage box under the bed that he continually smashes his toe on. Again, I have told him over and over to kneel down and MOVE THE BOX but that seems to elude him. He would rather smash his toe over and over and do nothing about it except give me the look that says, "This is your fault for putting the box under the bed". It has now become a thing for me that I will  NOT move that box come hell or high water. I really want to see how long it will take him to move it or to break a toe.  I have a friend who's husband used to clean the house for her. Or so he said . . .  there was a dead fly on a window sill that she left there for months to see how long it would take the "cleaning husband" to actually clean the windows and find it.  He NEVER did.

I have reached the point of having a really hard time NOT laughing when these things happen. There are days when either one could happen several times. It is becoming a problem for  me because I now have to run to the bathroom to keep from bursting into hysterical laughter that H would find offensive.
You really think he could learn but it sure hasn't happened yet.