Thursday, February 27, 2014


They are still in their mommies belly but they are growing like crazy.  "W" (the boy) is over 5 pounds and "G" (the girl) is also 5 pounds.  They are both head down and looking like they are getting ready to greet the world !  Grandma is on call,  my bag is packed and I'm ready to roll at a moments notice.

I found this prayer today and it soothes me.

GOD,  I see children
Playing by the sea and both
Speak to me of Your almighty Power.

You created the little ones from
small seeds.
You breathed life
into their souls.
You made them
in your image.

The sea, too is
Your child, Your creation which
sustains humankind and the
animals here below.

Both child and sea can be kind,
Let me rest content, knowing that in
Your wisdom, all will be done
According to Your divine will.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I must be insane.  I need therapy.  I am going to call a therapist tomorrow and set up an appointment to have my mental status accessed.  I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, February 22, 2014


This is getting to be a great habit !  Smith is coming to spend the night on some weekends and we are loving it!
Today grand pa,  Jeanne and Frank and I drove down to Pompano to go to an Italian festival with Smith and his family and their friend Sandra. Jeanne and Frank are still in town thanks to TWO (2) cancelled flights to their home in NY. Seems that the weather in NY is CRAPPY so Jeanne and Frank have been forced to remain in sunny Florida. (The temperature at the festival today was a balmy 89 degrees. Life is so tough down here!)
We all went to the festival and Smith played all sorts of arcade games and WON all sorts of stuffed animals that are now sharing his bed in our guest room.
While we were eating lunch today Smith asked me if he could come home with me after the festival. I told him we could talk to mom and dad and see if it was OK with them.  Not only was it OK but a welcome relaxing afternoon for Kristen who is larger than ever and could use some time off.
Smith came home with us and napped in the car so he was ready to roll once we got back here.  While Jeanne tended to my garden, (she is my personal gardener when she is here.  Jeanne just LOVES being out side and puttering in the dirt.), Smith and I played in the pool which is at 80 degrees in spite of not being heated.  Does that tell you what sort of "winter" we are having in Florida? Then is was on to pizza for dinner, some ice cream for dessert and a little movie watching before bed.
My little guy is sound asleep and I am not far in back of him.
Saturdays with Smith are Super!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Remember that blog a little ways back where I was picking on H for his hysteria over the B-A-T-S ?
Well, An apology is in order . . .  sorry Ger for thinking you were worrying needlessly about bats. It is evident that we do indeed have bats in our house. Or I should say, B-A-T . . . singular.
And how do we know we have A bat, you may ask.  Did we hear it chirping?  Did we smell it? Did we see its droppings?    NO to all of the above. It FLEW through our DEN this evening!

Ger and I were just settling in for a nice evening in front of the TV when something came flying into the room, made a lovely loop de loo and continued out toward the kitchen. Have I mentioned how fast these little suckers fly? Ger and I were so taken by surprise that we just looked at each other as if to say, "Did you see that?". But before we could even speak out loud here it came AGAIN doing some wonderful loops and dives before disappearing again.  At that point I got up and turned on all the lights in the house and began closing bedroom doors. All the outside doors were closed and the AC was on so the little bugger did not come in from the OUT side. He is living some where IN side my house !
He made one more pass through the house and then disappeared for the night.

Ger is now in bed, door shut, covers over his head. I'm wanting to know where little bat came from and where he is hiding but I think I will wait until tomorrow to check it out.

Looks like we will have to call the bat man again !

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I seem to be having lots of battles these days. This is two blogs in a row that I am in fighting mode.

I know there are lots of women out there who have husbands who drink. I know many of them wish their husbands would not drink or at least drink less. I have the opposite problem, I need my husband to drink more. Once again H is doing all that he can to keep himself from regaining strength and good health. Just when I think he finally gets it and is ready to do something to help himself he proves me wrong wrong wrong !  I am so frustrated with him and am tired of this fight.

GER NEEDS TO DRINK ! Water, tea, juice, Crystal Light, even soda would be better than the zero amount he is taking in right now. His doctor told him the first day we met her that ;
A. His blood pressure is way too low so he needs to drink more every day.
B. chemo will make him need to drink more to flush the poisons from his system.
C. It is so important to keep himself hydrated in order to remain strong.
Yet every day the man drinks MAYBE one cup of tea, MAYBE one soda and MAYBE a glass of milk. H thinks this is a tremendous amount of fluid which under normal circumstances it might be but    right now it just isn't cutting it. We went to the doctor Monday. Ger's blood pressure was 82/61. A normal BP is 120/80.  When you are dehydrated your BP drops. I was surprised the doctor didn't put him into the chemo unit for some intravenous fluids. She has done that several times in the past.
When H is dehydrated he gets cranky, weak, off balance and muddled. As irritating as he can be when he is healthy these symptoms just make living with him EXTRA special. Like today......
But that is a whole other story.

Let me just say that Husbands problem with DE hydration is causing me to drink a lot more than I have in the past 40 years. I am staying so hydrated I don't give a damn what H does or doesn't drink.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


The war of the bats is back on. At least in Husbands world the battle is raging, I say live and let live.
D you realize that if women ran the world there would be no wars?  Just tea parties on Tuesday and tennis on Friday. We don't PANIC ! Men are always at Battle station Red! They get all excited and hysterical before they think about what the heck is going on.  My friend told me a great story about her husband when they slept over at a friends house. Her husband chose to sleep in the twin bed under the window in the guest room. She was awakened at four in the morning by her husband slamming around the room muttering that he can't sleep with the light from the street lamp shining in his face.  She calmly got up, walked over to the window and reversed the directions of the blinds, thus shutting out the light. Her husband had been awake for 5 hours getting angrier and angrier about the bothersome light but never sought a solution to the problem.
Back to the bats . . . H has been worrying about the bats in the eves of the house for several weeks now ever since our son discovered one lonely, little fellow hanging between the drain pipe and the roof.  The bat was NOT inside the house!  There was only ONE bat, and yet husband was on full alert ready for a war.  BUT DOING NOTHING!  I finally spoke to the exterminator who put us in contact with the "Wildlife Relocation" folks.  Ger set up an appointment because he was now in the position of "put up or shut up". And then the panic set in!  For a week I heard nothing but, "This could cost us a thousand dollars". He had himself so worked up that the one lone bat was a point bat for the five thousand invading hordes of killer bats that were surely living in our attic. By the time Mr. Bat Man, (aka. Mike) arrived on Friday I was ready to hit H with a BAT!
Guess what?. . .  We don't have bats !  Maybe one or two living under a roof tile but no hordes of them, no invasion, no even a gathering.  It cost us $75 for the visit, spent an hour and a half talking with Mike about bats and other Florida wildlife and we may even get a bat house put out on our property out by the lake to give the little guys a place to hang, rather than under my roof.
Ger has now returned to "calm" or as close to calm as he ever gets. I'm sure there will be another crisis within the next couple of days. The newspaper will get delivered in a puddle, the mail will arrive to late and garbage man will arrive too early.  Life is such a burden when your a man. Thank goodness they do not have to cook, clean, shop, schedule and pay the bills!  Not when they exhaust themselves chasing windmills!