Friday, November 18, 2022


So I got to thinking about the whole "Creation" thing and just what God was thinking. I have a theory . . . 

IN THE BEGINNING . . .  So there's God sitting on his throne in Heaven wondering just what to do with Himself. He's got the angels to chat with but with everyone being so perfect there isn't much to talk about. Satan has been banned from Heaven and sent to Hell so there's really not that much to keep God busy.  And so He thinks to himself, "What IF I created something?"    Now if I got the whole bible thing right there apparently was NOTHING before God started creating things.  So there He sits deciding what to do, what to do.  And He starts with THE UNIVERSE.  No small task when you start with nothing.  God decides to toss together some large masses of whatever and throw them around the void. Some were round like planets, some were hot like stars and some were just a messy blob of stuff that went flying around like asteroids and comets.  And that was good fun for a while. But globs of stuff floating around are pretty boring so God decided to take some of them and make them a little more interesting. He added high places and low places. He filled the low places with wet stuff and the high places with frozen wet stuff.  Still pretty dull.  And this is where God really started having fun.  He added some things to the wet stuff . . . and into them he breathed LIFE.  The things could move through the wet stuff and interact with each other.  That was pretty cool for a while until some of those things decided they wanted to climb out of the wet stuff and move around on the dry parts of the blob.  And so God gave them tiny little appendages to help them move and off they went.  

I'm sure all this was pretty entertaining for quite some time but God needed something a little more interesting to keep Himself entertained.  And so . . .   GOD CREATED MAN.    Now THAT was entertaining !!!  But even then,  after a few thousand years of watching this creature mess up everything he touches,  God probably decided that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Creating man was good,  giving him free will was the problem.  But since God does not make mistakes I guess we have to just chalk it up to God working on a "learning curve".  I mean, the fact that God also created the Platypus does make you wonder just what was HE thinking. 

So we know that man is not a mistake, he is only the imperfect result of God's experiments. Once God realized all the errors he made on the prototype He corrected them by creating woman.  I am NOT saying that woman is perfect. NO one is perfect but I do think woman has a few more things going for her than the original human being.  

The only problem is that God forgot to let man in on this part of the joke.  He left man thinking that because he was created first he is the Alpha and the Omega.  When we all know he is actually one step this side of a Platypus.