Thursday, September 24, 2009


Tonight's rambling is dedicated to the princesses of the world. Not the Royal sort of princess but the women who are "best friends" to someone. That is what a real princess is, a very special, great friend. I learned this from my good friend Glo, whom I have just spent a week with surrounded by the beauty of Maine. Glo and I go wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back. I met her while I was visiting Augusta, Maine with my dad back in 1958. We became "best friends" immediatly and kept that friendship going through letters and an occasional visit every 5 years or so. But I'm not the only friend that Glo has, lucky girl. She also has "THE PRINCESSES" in her life. This is a group of women who also lived in Maine and were drawn together over the years of high school and college. They remain close friends to this day and thus have princess names befitting each of them. Their names reflect a part of their personalities, lives, likes and who knows what else. Glo is know as Princess Daisy . . . something . . .something (I never can remember beyond the Daisy part) But Glo is a Daisy for sure, Sunny, Fun and full of life. About 3 years ago Glo decided I deserved to be an honorary member of the Princesses, since our friendship was as old as the others, even if I didn't get to see them all that much. And so I became Princess G.T., named for a certain part of my anatomy and a tee shirt that I bought on a trip to Wyoming. (It's a long story and there are only a select few that know all the details, thank goodness.) Glo will tell you it stands for Gin & Tonic but we all know I prefer Vodka & Tonic. But I digress.
After spending these wonderful days with this great friend I have been thinking about how fortunate I am to have the circle of friends that are in my life. They are all Princesses of the most magnificent sort. When Glo and I are together we slip back to being teenagers. We get goofy and silly, (much to the chagrin of our husbands who are usually the brunt of our antics.) But it feels WONDERFUL to be with someone who allows you to just let loose and be yourself without the restraints of age and maturity.
Then there is Sharon, my little buddy from back in NY. We have been friends since 1973 when we were neighbors and found out we were both pregnant. When I am with Sharon she gives me the reality check that I often need, sweetened with a lot of laughing. How 2 people always can find something to laugh at, even at the most difficult of times, is a gift of gigantic proportions. If she had a princess name I think it would be Princess Giggles. We have spent many a day laughing so hard that our faces hurt.
Next in my Princess circle is Jeanne. My quiet young friend who always tells me I am her mentor. She thinks that Sharon and I give her wisdom. What she doesn't realize how much warmth and serenity she gives to us. When Sharon and I are ranting and raging about our lives Jeanne's quiet words bring us back to sanity and the realization that things aren't all that bad after all. I think Jeanne's Princess name would be Princess Angel.
I could go on naming the other wonderful women in my life, including my wonderful daughter and daughter-in-laws but I think they would all get swelled heads. I'll leave this for now and let you and your friends think up your own Princess names. Make it a good name because if you are one of the princesses you are a gift from God. I thank God every day for the princesses in my life. You know who you are . . . and I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Princess GT,

    In my lexicon, GT is an acronym for "Gifted and Talented". I can't imagine a more perfect name for you!
