Sunday, March 14, 2021


 I'm moving to MARS . . . .  Oh wait,  if Men are from Mars I don't want any part of that planet so maybe I'll move to Venus, or Saturn or even Pluto, even though it's not actually a planet any more.  The point being, I want off this insane planet because everyone has totally and completely lost their minds. The fact that Pluto was once a planet and now its not is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Fox News has a name for it . . .  CANCEL CULTURE . . . it's a form of "Now you see it, Now you don't".  Things that we have known, loved, accepted and believed in are no longer "PROPER"  so they are cancelled. 

I mean, banning Dr. Seuss books . . . REALLY ???????  Banning cartoons because they are stereotyping certain cultural groups . . .  REALLY ??????????    Have we all gone insane ???  The answer to that is 

                                                            YES !!!!!!!!

But no one uses that word any more either.  Does anyone say "Yes" any more ?  It's "NO", you can't do that, and "NO" you can't say this. I am sick of where we are headed with all this nonsense.  

But I can't complain too loudly because it is all the fault of our own genius way of living.  Think about it . When was the last time you ironed anything ?  When was the last time you repaired anything ? When was the last time you took the time to redo something that didn't work the first time ?   

When I was growing up we did not live in a disposable society.  We kept things forever and fixed them when they broke. We would buy something with CASH, (remember cash?) that we had saved up over years. Money was set aside each week in a small white envelope in a drawer in the desk or secretary or dresser. When the envelope contained enough cash to purchase an item, car, refrigerator, washing machine, you went out and bought what you needed.  If you didn't have the case you didn't buy the item. Once you bought something you took care of it.  Things were built to last decades. If it broke either you fixed it or had a friend fix it. The same thing went for clothing.  When you bought an item of clothing you took care of it to keep it looking as new as possible for as long as possible.  You ironed shirts and pants, you washed things by hand so the washer wouldn't beat up the fabric. If it got a hole or lost a button you got out the sewing kit and repaired it. When was the last time you sewed on a button ?????  Ironed a shirt??????  "darned" a sock ??????   Does anyone EVER do these things anymore ?  I remember my mother teaching me how to sew on a button and to mend a hole in a sock.  Now we just throw it away and buy a new one.  

It is only natural that we would progress from throwing out old items to throwing out our history.  Tear down that statue because we don't like it anymore.  Throw out that book because it offends some one, get rid of TV shows and classic movies, (Gone With The Wind is under attack ? SERIOUSLY????). 

This dangerous way of thinking is so so very wrong.  The past happened !  We don't throw it away because you didn't like something that happened a hundred years ago. You look at it more and more and learn from those mistakes.  That's what evolution is.  GOD did NOT make us perfect. He gave us the ability to try to be perfect but being human we don't always get it right. Because we are human we screw up over and over but we learn from those screw-ups and we try to make it better.  Keep the mistakes front and center in your brain so you remember not to make them again.  The idea of erasing things we don't like is ludicrous !!!  How the Hell do you expect to evolve if you don't try and fail till you get it right?  How long did it take Oog the caveman to figure out how to make a fire, invent the wheel, kill a wooly mammoth ??   He didn't throw out the round rock the first time it didn't roll, he kept at it and learned from his mistakes.  

Unfortunately no one is learning SHIT from the mistakes we have been making for the past century.  And because we aren't learning anything we are now allowing idiots to destroy everything from the past. I am soooooooooooo PISSED and frightened by this trend. If you find illustrations in a Dr. Seuss book to be offensive then don't read the "F" ing book.  Some of us LIKE Dr. Seuss and some of us have used Dr. Seuss as a learning tool to educate our children about the differences of people through out the world.  

NEWS FLASH . . .  NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is NOT "racist" to note that people come in different forms.  It is FACT !!!!!!   Do you remember educating your children to the fact that some people are Handicapped ?  You took your kid to the store and met a person in a wheel chair. Your child stared at them and asked in a loud voice, "Mommy, What's wrong with that person?". And so you took the time to explain that not everyone had legs that worked like theirs. You took time to explain that the person in the wheel chair was still a person, just like you, but had to use a wheel chair to move around.  It didn't change who they were inside.  HOW in this day and age has that changed to being offensive ?  The first time you met a person from another culture wearing a different type of clothing or looking different from what your child was used to were you racist to explain to your child that we live in a very big wonderful world where there are all different sorts of people?  No !  You were a responsible parent educating your child.  We may look different, we may speak different languages, we may eat different foods and wear different clothes but we are all God's Children and we love our neighbors no matter what they look or sound like.  Even when they prove themselves to be "A" holes.  You don't need to look or sound different to be an Ass. That comes from a choice that person has made and if they are an Ass you don't have to play with them.  

Come on people . . .   step up and stand up.   Stop the bull shit.    Stop calling everything racist.  

Stop the world . . .  I want to get off.   

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