Friday, April 26, 2024


 O M G !!!!!   It is HOT !  Not that it is unusual for it to be hot it South Florida but it should be cool INSIDE my house.   It is NOT !   

It seems that, these days,  I am having issues with things that are hot.  For starters my laptop is overheating.  When I plug it in it gets SO hot that I have to put a pillow on my lap to keep from burning my legs.  I am guessing it has something to do with the battery but I am not ready to deal with that just now.  Hopefully the great computer fixer guy that I found in MI last year will take care of all that for me once we get back to the farm.       . The other day I was starting a blog while sitting on the lanai and I had to stop to do something.  I left the  plugged in computer sitting on the sofa on the lanai while I went to do whatever. A few minutes later I came out and asked The Man to feel the bottom of the computer to see if it was hot.  He lifted it up off the couch, held it in his hands, turned it over a few times and said, "Well, it not hot, just a little warm."  After which he put the computer back down and went inside.  Not two minutes later I returned outside, picked up the computer and almost got third degree burns from the bottom of laptop. It was HOT !!!  But according to The Man it was only a little warm.  

Yesterday our Air conditioner stopped working.  I woke up in the morning with the house being 76 degrees.  I turn it down to 74 at night, (that is the lowest The Man can tolerate under his 42 blankets pulled over his head) I'm usually comfortable with just a sheet because 74 is still too warm for me to sleep. Thank goodness for ceiling fans !   So here we are with the temperature going up to 80 and we have no AC.  The Man was loving it !  I opened all the windows/doors to catch the morning cool air and turned on all the ceiling fans.  By 10:00 AM I had to close all the windows/doors and shut the curtains and blinds with hopes of the house staying "cool". The Man was in Heaven! I spent the day outside sitting under the fan on the lanai.  When I would go into the house forth whatever the "heat" inside hit me like a brick wall. And yet there in front of the TV sat "You Know Who" happy as a clam. When I asked if he was hot he of course said "NO . . .  It feels fine in here."  I checked the thermostat and it read 82 degrees.  So I left him there in is own personal sauna.  We slept with a portable unit in our bedroom that our land lady brought over and The Man complained all night at how COLD it was.   

Fast forward to this morning.  The AC guys showed up around 9:30,  The Man and I left to go to a doctor and when we returned at 1:30 the guys were just finishing up.  The house was cool and I was happy. The man went to bed for a nap under a blanket.  All was well with the world until tonight when I came in from the lanai to take a shower and get ready to relax and watch some TV.  The minute I walked in the door I knew the AC was not working.  Sure enough the thermostat was set for 77 for The Man's comfort but the house was actually at a steamy 84 degrees.  I asked The Man if he realized the AC was not working and it was 84 degrees in there. His answer . . ."Well now that you mention it it does feel a LITTLE warm." 

A LITTLE WARM ???????????????  We are one step this side of Dante's Inferno and The Man thinks it is a little warm!   I suppose if the house were on fire he wouldn't realize it until the TV blew up in the flames.

It is now after nine at night but I sent a quick text to the AC guy saying the unit was not working. I did NOT expect him to come over I just wanted to let him know that there was a problem.  He called right back from a local restaurant where he was having dinner with his parents. He said he would be over in a few minutes. I told him absolutely not, it could wait but he insisted and will be arriving any minute now. MAYBE . . . 

In the mean time The Man is taking his shower and crawling into bed under his 42 blankets because even though the AC is not working and the house is now up to a toasty 85 degrees The Man is cold.

But I will say     The AC guy IS HOT !!!!!  

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