Friday, April 15, 2011


When you live in South Florida and the sun is shining every day you just don't want to stay indoors. Yesterday Ger and I went to Home Depot and got a bunch of gardening supplies. We spent the entire afternoon gardening and cooling off in the pool.  Gardening is so much more fun when you don't HAVE to do it.  No leaf raking or lawn cutting, just planting and pruning if we feel like it. And the last thing I want to do on these beautiful days is to sit in doors and play on the computer. I think most bloggers must blog at work. When else would you have the time for this? By the time the evening rolls around I am too tired to think or be creative and early mornings are NOT my thing. In fact I don't function at all any time before noon. This morning some fool organization called at 8:45 to ask for money. Not only will I not donate to them now but I have crossed them off my list of groups I will ever donate to. That will teach them not to wake me!
Thank Heavens today was a cloudy day. We even had a little rain shower. It lasted all of about 40 seconds.    But the clouds gave me the incentive to work on clearing off my desk and throwing out some papers. It felt so good to see the pile of "garbage" slowly get smaller and disappear. I can now see my desk and as a result of going through papers I have created a list of at least 7 other projects I want to do. You know how that proverbial snow ball gets rolling. . .
  So now I will wake up and be hoping for rain or at least clouds.  When we lived in NY I would put off doing things inside until winter. You knew you would be cooped up in the house for at least 4 months so it was easy to leave something till winter. In Florida it is just the opposite.  I leave things for summer when it is too hot. But that really doesn't work because I am one of those people who like cloudy days. They energize me and make me want to "get to work" on something. There really aren't enough cloudy days down here to get everything done inside that needs doing. Hot or not in the summer I still want to be out of doors. And now with the new pool there is just more incentive to get out side.

One of the projects I have been putting off was to up load the pictures from Maryland and Finley's birth. I did get to that today so here are just a few of my favorite photos of my wonderful Maryland grand children.  Kaelin is delighted to be a big sister. While mommy was in the hospital we baked a "BIRTH" day cake for Finley and mom and dad. Kaelin was in charge of the decorating and the cake was a huge hit for all.

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