Friday, November 22, 2013


That is what I am happier than these past 2 days . . . "Happier than a pig in poop!" And all it took was 48 hours of rain.

I LOVE A RAINY DAY !  Or two or three. . .  as long as I don't have to go out I am in Pig Heaven. Three days ago all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep and be left alone.  That was on the sunny day. Then Ger's cold kicked into over drive and the clouds and rain moved in and the world is suddenly looking really good.
Ger brought his cold back from Maryland compliments of our grand son Finley. Wiping Finn's nose with his handkerchief and then returning the snot filled, germ laden wad of cloth to his pants pocket probably wasn't Ger's smartest move. So sure enough, 5 days later, the germs began to hatch and 7 days later the man is sneezing and coughing his brains out. After waking me by coughing right in my face on Monday night I moved myself into the guest bedroom for some germ free dreams. By Tuesday Ger was feeling rotten and even with the anti biotic from his oncologist he is still miserable. I have been avoiding him at all cost and thanks to his cold he does not want to leave the house. That added to the pouring rain has set me into the best mood and I have cleaned closets and dressers that have not been touched since we moved here nine years ago. My motor is running thanks to good nights sleep and a husband who is too ill to even want to talk to me. Not that I am happy Ger is sick, just glad I don't have to entertain him. Fox News is taking care of that for me.
But as always,  there is a down side to all this.  First and foremost are the DISGUSTING handkerchiefs that are all over the place. I mean, GROSS!  I have written about this ancient hold over from knights of old who snotted on their sleeves. I would actually prefer that to the nasty hankies laying stiff or juicy all over the place. They fall out of H's pockets and he doesn't realize he is leaving a trail of plague germs where ever he goes. I can't ask him to stoop down and pick them up because his balance is poor enough that he still falls over on occasion.  Once a day I don my Hazmat suit and rubber gloves and do a sweep of the house with a garbage bag in one hand and the Lysol in another.  I put all the handkerchiefs, towels, throw rugs etc. that have come in contact with Typhoid Harry into boiling water in the washer with a gallon or so of bleach and soak the hell out of them.  I WILL NOT CATCH THIS COLD !  Right about now I am a walking commercial for Zicam. I hate those little suck on things but they sure as hell do work. The great side effect of them is that they make me sick to my stomach so I get to loose weight without being actually sick. WIN . . .  WIN for me !

Today the sun came out and my energy hit rock bottom. I did take some time this afternoon to sit in the sun in the back yard and it was WONDERFUL !   I finally finished watching all six seasons of BREAKING BAD and feel like I have lost some old friends.  What will I watch next ? Is Netflix streaming not the best thing EVER!!!!!  All these shows that I don't get to watch each week can be watched when and where I want. I really need to get a life!  I talked Ger into joining a local gym to build some strength and mobility. He was doing well when going to physical therapy but has not done anything since then.  I hope that by going together, having a personal trainer for a couple of sessions we will both benefit. Ger is already telling me he doesn't think this is going to work for him.

 Kyle and Roman arrive tomorrow for a week at Grand ma's ! I'm really looking forward to the 2 boys being here. I still have to set up the guest bedroom for them but other than that we are good to go.

Smith just called to tell us he is getting a pet goldfish tonight. His parents told him he could get a fish if he had NO time outs at school this week. The little guy scored a perfect week and so the gold fish will be purchased as soon as mommy gets home from work. Smith has already chosen a name for his fish . .
Unlike his cousin Kaelin who named her fish Flower and cousin Abby who named her fish something equally as cute, Smith will be naming his new fish . . .  (wait for it) . . .  GARBAGE TRUCK !
Some how that does not surprise me one bit, after all he IS Kent's son !

Have a great weekend everyone.  And keep laughing !

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