Monday, October 19, 2015


Brave ?  . . .    Heat and Humidity ? . . .  Rolling Hills ? . . .  Classic Colonial Plantations ? . . .

You name it, Atlanta's got it all. It's got it's base ball team the Atlanta Braves who, BTW, are building a new stadium just across the road from where my son Kyle works. I know this because I got to visit Kyles office on Sunday and we passed all these huge cranes. He explained it was construction of the new baseball stadium which will now be way North and East of down town Atlanta. I can't imagine how the fans will appreciate this commute but money talks and so the Braves will move to the suburbs. Kyle and his co workers will have great seats for the games and can probably sell their parking spots for big bucks. They won't have to deal with the famous Atlanta heat and humidity during the early season games cause they can sit in g air conditioned offices to watch.

Unfortunately I happen to be visiting Atlanta this week and there is no heat and no humidity. In fact I am FREEZING !  I knew when I was packing that it would be cooler than Florida but  I did not think that Atlanta's 68 degrees would feel so cold.  Maybe because Atlanta's 68 degrees turned out to be 48 degrees.  Ha ha !  Big joke on grandma !  I did pack jeans and a sweater and a jacket but I am a wanting muck a lucks, fur coat, ear muffs, mittens and a scarf ! That old wives tale about your blood thinning after living in Florida or when you get old . . . ALL TRUE !   Rita, Aunt Ann Marie, I Am Sorry for all the times I have made fun of you !  I am freezing !  I know how you feel !  I feel like my very bones a frozen and I will never be warm again.  I cannot wait for bed time so I can get into bed under the covers and get warm.   Kyle gave me an electric heater for my room but I can't get it to warm the room enough. I'm afraid his electric bill will be so high he will never. Invite me back.

As for Atlanta's rolling hills . . .  I would like to know how this city ever managed to support plantations ? I have yet to find one acre of property that is FLAT so you can farm some thing. Down town Atlanta is up and down, Sandy Springs is up and down, the neighboring areas are up and down. I can't go for a walk because if I go out I will be in need of oxygen within five minutes from climbing up a hill . Nothing is flat. The houses are all built where the front is one story and the back has four stories. Houses are either at the top of a hill or the bottom of a ravine. It's a skate boarders paradise. But the lack of flat ground has not stopped builders here from building some of the most ginormous homes I have ever seen. There is just one mansion after another.. Street after street of humongous homes built on these rolling expanses of property all owned by who ? ? ?  Who are these people who can afford to live in these huge homes ?      I sure don't get it ?

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