Tuesday, October 13, 2015


What would we do without the geniuses of the world to ask the obvious questions ?  Do you think the world might actually come to an end if there weren't those folks who ALWAYS manage to ask the dumbest question that makes you slowly turn in their direction with the look on your face that says, "Some one grab me quick because I am about to leap across these two feet of space between me and Captain Dumb Ass and jump on their head screaming the entire time 'OF COURSE I CHECKED THE BATTERIES!"   They are the people who when you are on your last minute trying to get out the door and can't find your car keys say, "Did  you check your pockets?",  OR when you are looking for the screwdriver they suggest you look in the tool box, as if that thought had never occurred to you.

Just HOW stupid do they think we are OR how stupid are they ? OR . . . is it a matter, once again, of just opening ones mouth and speaking before thinking ?  There is an awful lot of that going around. The "filters" that sometimes exist seem to be collapsing rapidly. Never mind being "PC". Politically correct is a joke these days. That has gone over the top and died a slow and painful death. I'm talking about listening to what you are saying. As in DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF ??????  Once again this stems from a conversation that I had with my oldest cousin, bless her little heart.  She is turning 85 years old and is the center of her universe. NO filters at all. Never had any, never will.  But at least I know what I am dealing with, even though she still drives me bat shit. Sorry, I digress . . .

It's the people like myself who when someone says, "my flashlight isn't working" I respond with, "Did you check the batteries?"  BE HONEST !  You know that is exactly what you would say!  Just try it! It's like a Pavlovian response. You just can't help it !!!!!   So the joke is on me.  I get all excited when someone says,"Did you check the batteries?" but I can't help but do it my self!  HA !  GO figure. And YES !  I DID check the batteries and the flashlight is still not working so what would you suggest now genius ?

P.S.    I have to post a very belated (13 days belated) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my almost youngest cousin ANN !!!!!  I totally missed her birthday this year. No card, no facebook, no phone call, nothing.

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