Friday, April 6, 2012


All  can say is, "I am too old to have little children" (or a husband who behaves like a child).

It is Easter vacation and I have been DYING to see my grand kids from Maryland. It has been 6 months since I have had Kaelin and Finn time and a visit was long over due.  But as a wise old philosopher once said, "Be careful what you wish for."

Kaelin never was a terrible two but she is making up for it now.  At 4 she is wanting to be independent and do what SHE wants to do rather than what mom wants her to do.  Dad pretty much doesn't have an opinion and just tunes the chaos out. Add a one year old to the mix and you have bedlam. Finn thankfully is still crawling and not walking but he is fast and into everything.  He likes to stand and the fact that our entire house is tile floor Keri is having heart attacks every five minutes watching Finn climb up only to tip over and fall down.  So far there has not been any blood but I am thinking that may change any minute now because grand pa is really bugging the HELL out of me.  Like his son-in-law grandpa can tune out the world and just exist in his own little world.  Screaming kids and a totally frazzles wife do not register to these men. Only when you call their name and give them a direct command, (we are well beyond the REQUEST stage), do they even acknowledge that you exist. I am fighting for control and the Holy Spirit is really having a time of it keeping me calm.

The house looks like a category 5 hurricane has hit with a 9.0 earth quake in its wake. But that is OK. There is plenty of time to clean after the kids are gone but just collecting the dishes and 40 cups to get them in the dish washer each night is a Herculean task. And you know H is not helping do any of that.
H has remained in his chair in front of the TV "STAYING OUT OF THE WAY". (His words exactly!)
Do you think that if the house was on fire this man would remain in his chair and "stay out of the way" of the firemen?  If I thought that I would set the fire myself! I swear he can find more ways to irritate me.  Tonight after dinner he left all the dinner dishes on the table and went to sit down in front of the TV while telling me to let him know when I needed some help. Finn was crying, Kaelin was throwing a fit and Keri was in tears. (Steve had left for the day to go visit some friends in Miami.)  (Men are all alike.)

In the midst of all this chaos Steve's father finally died. Yes, Fred. He has been hanging in a coma for 4 months and he finally passed away on Thursday.  As a result Keri and family will cut short their vacation and return home at dawn on Easter Sunday. I have very mixed feelings about this but I think the relief feeling is winning out. If only H would go with them.
Keri is exhausted and has been for quite some time now. I remember those years when I didn't think I would survive another day. Her job is wearing her down and Kaelin is testing her every second of every day. I want to say or do something to make it better for her but there is nothing that will change this stage of her life.  I guess I better start praying over time for her and forget about my pissy little complaints.

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