Sunday, September 24, 2017


Who's idea was this to move ?  I think I said those exact words a year ago when I was moving from house to condo. And yet here I am again in the middle of "Moving Week!" and I am questioning my sanity and praying for devine intervention to keep my back from breaking down into spasms of lightening bolts of pain.

It's been a while since my back "went out" as I refer to the all consuming pain of nerve endings in my spine shooting me the most incredible pain imaginable. It's one of those shocks of pain that just drops you to your knees and leaves you flat on your back wondering how you will ever get up again.  There is no getting up at that point. You just resign yourself to laying on the floor for the rest of your life until the muscles in your back decide to release their hold. This usually takes several days and considerable amounts of mind numbing drugs and muscle relaxants along with about 2 weeks worth of visits to the chiropractor.

I have been managing to avoid these attacks with monthly visits to the chiropractor along with as many massages as I can afford.  So far so good up to this point but I think I over did it yesterday.

The official move in date is this coming Thursday and I am in hyper mode of packing and moving
"Small" stuff into the new place to avoid having 30 boxes sitting in my living room here before the move and in my new place after the move.  Abby is arriving for a visit a week after my move so I really want to have everything set before she gets here.  Then I leave for 2 weeks in NY and I REALLY don't want to have to return to boxes still sitting in my new house.
And so I have been slowly dragging crap the half mile from old condo to new condo with the help of Keri and the kids. My daughter is amazing and all those visits to the gym have apparently paid off in her having the strength of 3 grand ma's. She keeps picking up boxes and commenting on "how light they are!". Yet I cannot lift these same boxes if my life depended on it. I packed them with the thought that the moving guys will carry them, that's what I'm paying them for.  But having decided to get a jump on this I find myself wondering if I did indeed pack up some bricks along with my own junk.  And by the way,  Where did all this crap come from ??  I only moved here a year ago and at that time I weeded out soooooooooo much stuff in order to cram myself into this tiny space. Yet as I am packing I swear the junk has multiplied ten time over.  I have already donated bags and bags of stuff to the thrift shop so where is this stuff coming from ???????

The joke of it all is that in moving from my tiny cave into the wonderful spacious new place I need to BUY furniture and more stuff.  Remember those beds I had in the second bed room at my old house? I got rid of them because I only had one bedroom here.  NOW I'm moving into a place with  TWO bedrooms so guess what I have to purchase !  And where do I put the paper towels ?  I got rid of my paper towel rack because it took up what little counter space I had.  Now I have to get a new one.

I do wish the thrift stores kept all my stuff so I could just go there and get my own things back but no such luck. Instead I am hauling all sorts of things into the new place along with putting bed frames together,  hanging curtains on rods that I have climbed up and down a ladder to get screwed into the wall and climbing up and down the step stool to fill cabinets that are way too tall for any human being that I know.

So do I wonder why I woke up at 4 AM with pains in my back ?  I think perhaps the pains are from too much work and too much thinking.  I hate this.

I'm NEVER going to move again!!!!

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