Thursday, November 16, 2017


Happy Thanksgiving from me and my grand kids.  This being "THE HOLIDAY SEASON" I am being inundated with holiday pictures and crafts from my grand kids and naturally I am l loving it. For as much as I am trying to clean out "memories" from the past and make my new home less cluttered I am soft when it comes to throwing out anything that was given to me by my kids or grand kids.  I still have ceramic creations from all three of my kids that I just can not part with.  They do not fit into any decor nor will  you ever find the likes of them in Better Homes and Gardens but they are treasures that I just can't get rid of.

About 2 weeks ago Kaelin and Finn arrived with a "lovely" Fall wreath that Kaelin had made. They had both gone to a craft class at Michaels and learned how to make wreaths and so I naturally was the recipient of one of the creations. It is hanging proudly on the front door and each time I open or close the door another small piece of the wreath hits the ground. I figure I will have nothing remaining by Christmas and so will be ready for their next creation.
Inside the house there are several works of art hanging in various spots through out the place. I still have  some of Kent's art work from when he was a child along with framed finger paintings done by Abby and Kaelin when they were no more than 2 years old. These treasures are just as important to me as an original van Gough would be to someone else.  Most recently I framed a wonderful piece of art done by Kaelin just before Halloween. I just loved it so much I had to hang it up for everyone to see. Unfortunately this condo has limited wall space as most of the walls are taken up with built in shelves or mirrors. So if you get to visit you will be subjected to sleeping in a guest bedroom that is filled with all my grand kids art.

Besides being the proud owner of some wonderful pieces of art I am blessed to have grand kids who write me notes. Abby and I will go on sprees of letter writing back and forth between Florida and Atlanta and Kaelin and Finn are forever slipping me little notes scribbled out on any one of the numerous note pads that I forward to them from my endless collection. These are the REAL treasures!!  There is nothing like a note on a little piece of paper slipped into your hand as you are leaving to warm your heart and bring tears to your eyes. I carry one such note with me in my wallet. It is so beat up and  falling apart that I know I should just throw it out but I can't bear to part with it. This note was given to me by Kaelin on my of my trips to Maryland. Kaelin was teaching herself how to write in script, (something that is no longer taught in school). She was very proud of her accomplishment so she wanted to share her talent with me. I will treasure it forever.
But above and beyond the pleasure I get from looking at these wonderful works of art there is the mystery of deciphering just what exactly the message is on these little notes that I receive. Most times I can figure out the phonics of the words and come up with a reasonable translation but every now and again the words allude me. As is the case of the most recent contribution from Finn. Finn and his mom Keri were discussing the menu for Thanksgiving dinner and Finn decided to write it down so they would have it to refer to come Turkey day. Item number one was TRCE.  Luckily Finn had given me this note the other day when I was at their house, (how great is it that they live 2 minutes away from me!!!) Fortunately for me the note came with an illustration to help me translate. 
How could I not know what TRCE spelled. So when I got a copy of the menu I knew exactly what that first item was. I'll let you try to figure out the rest.
Give up?
How about MASPTATOS -  Mash potatoes of course.  That was an easy one.
 MRSHSCAMMELAS - marshmallows (on the sweet potatoes)
and finally the hardest one of all that took Keri and I about an hour to figure out:
otherwise known as cranberries.   I really don't know how that translates but that is the only thing on the menu that we can figure is a possibility.

You just have to love kids !!!!!!!

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