Friday, August 31, 2012


Dull is good !   Any more excitement around here and I may have to sneak away to an island in the Bahamas.  OOOOOOoooooo,  doesn't that sound wonderful !

All is going smoothly for the week, as the roof falls in.  ( I know better to say things like "All is well" and "It just can't get any worse") But it has been a very nice quiet week.  Ger is feeling and looking great and if we didn't know better we wouldn't have a care in the world.

We have had our laughs - The coffee pot remains the best but little Smith gave us a chuckle or two also. It seems that mom and Smith were driving home yesterday afternoon and they got discussing NAMES. Now just because our little man is only two don't think you can't have a conversation with him.  This little guy LOVES to talk! Mom and he got talking about mom's name being Kristen and Daddy's name being Kent. So naturally the discussion went on to Grand ma and Grand pa.  It seems that Smith thinks grand ma's name is "POOL" and grand pa's name is "HEY".  Pool is pretty self explanatory but Hey does deserve an explanation.  When ever grand pa is around he always sneaks up to Smith and says "HEY" in a deep gravely voice. It never fails to make Smith giggle so naturally grand pa's name is HEY!  WE will see these guys this weekend with a possible trip to Lion Country Safari to reward Smith for getting his behavior chart almost filled.

As for the two in England, Abby broke her foot the day of her return to Windsor. They had gone to the "Pirate Park" and Abby decided to jump from the pirate ship to the ground.  A distance of about 6 feet. Landed on her foot and broke the bone in the middle of her foot. She is in a cast from the tip of her toes to her knee. School starts next week so it should be interesting how she will manage that. Kyle says she couldn't manage crutches so she has a bright green walker. Roman is just shaking his head and carrying on as usual.

In Maryland Kaelin has started soccer practice for her team THE GRASSHOPPERS. Keri says she looks like a grasshopper when she is out there running in circles. But she sure does take a great picture.

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