Sunday, August 26, 2012


Thank goodness for Hurricanes !   They keep us home and I am forced to catch up on all the things I have been putting off for the past couple of months.  I LOVE stormy weather.  As I sit here it is  pouring rain as it only can in Florida. Rain so hard that at times we can't see across the back yard. In between it is just pouring and the wind is blowing so hard that the rain actually seems to be coming side ways rather than down.  And I love this !  I get into cooking and cleaning mode when the weather is like this. I have a crock pot full of chicken stewing away for chicken and dumplings for dinner and I am trying to refrain from baking. So I will turn to the computer instead.

AS for taking a deep breath, it feels good to have our house back to ourselves and our lives back in our hands.  Contrary to popular belief Ger and I are not yet senile or even close to demented. It has been a hell of a couple of months for running and doing and then drop in a diagnosis of lung cancer and it is a wonder H and I have survived it all.
First there was all the travel and house guests back in March, April and May.  Wonderful travel and GOOD TIMES !  Then we had 3 weeks of family here.  I love those kids and grand kids more than life itself but truth be told it is nice when they all leave. IT IS EXHAUSTING keeping up with a bunch of grand kids ranging from 1-12.  I am totally water logged from all the time in the pool with them and my sides are sore from all the laughing and silliness that goes on. Not to mention my sore feet from standing in the kitchen and cooking. I WOULD NOT CHANGE IT FOR THE WORLD.  I always remind myself that I can sleep when I am dead and NOW is the time to enjoy life. The grand kids are growing up so fast I have to take every minute I can get to play with them. Even if it means having a house that looks like a tornado has hit it. I am also missing several cooking utensils that have been put away by my helpers, never to be seen again. If anyone knows where my microwave bacon pan is I would love a heads up!

So now it is time for a new path and we will start it with a HUGE DEEP BREATH! Tomorrow H starts radiation on his brain. That is a HUGE joke in the family as it is a well know fact that we have always doubted H had a brain. It also negates the thoughts that I have always had that H had shit for brains. There is indeed a brain up there and some of those nasty lung cancer cells have migrated into H's brain. The doctor says they are tiny tiny tiny but they are there and kill them we must before the doctors can start on lung chemo and radiation. Today is our day to breathe, tomorrow we begin to fight!

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