Monday, August 6, 2012


Now that I have filled my tummy with my favorite cereal in the whole wide world I will take some time to write about my amazing and adorable grand kids. (H and I went grocery shopping in order to get ready for the grand kids invasion and there RIGHT IN THE FRONT OF THE STORE was the BOGO bin.  Boy does Publix do their home work when it comes to marketing. Captain Crunch will always make me stop and consider buying a box but there they were, BUY ONE, GET ONE  F R E E
NO way am I going to pass that up. And I can always justify my purchase with blaming it on needing cereal because the grand kids are coming.  While you and I both know that the grand kids PARENTS wouldn't let their kids eat this sugar coated cereal if it were the last cereal on Earth.  So grand ma has herself 2 GIANT boxes of the stuff!  Once I put the groceries away I was feeling quite weak so I broke into the first box and had a small bowl of my all time favorite cereal.)

I have been meaning to sit down and write for the past 3 days but every time I sit at the computer I am tempted into playing a new game that I bought a couple of weeks ago.  The game has a name that I can't remember but it has grabbed my attention and all else is being put on the back burner. (Not a good thing because I do have a lot to do before the first wave arrives on Wednesday.

Wednesday Keri, Kaelin and Finley will be flying down to West Palm for the beginning of a 10 day stay. It seems like I have been looking forward to this forever and now it is here. Steve will follow on the weekend from one of his "Flip Vip" meetings and then he will have a week to build up that golden tan.
Kent and Smith will come up for the day either on Wednesday or Thursday so the little cousins can spend some time together. It just seems like yesterday that my kids were in High School together and here they are arriving to visit Grand ma and Grand pa and bringing their children with them. We will have lots of time to play with Finley and Kaelin and hopefully be able to give their mom and dad a few days of R&R.  When the Cavanaugh's return to MD Keri has to return to work and Kaelin will begin playing soccer for the very first time.  Her team is the GRASSHOPPERS which I thought was a really neat name for a bunch of bouncy 4 year olds.  Check out the photo above of Kaelin with her NEW CLEATS on.  "Grandma, my cleats are PINK and black".  She had to run to her closet to check when I talked with her on Skype and asked about the new cleats.  To say she is excited is an understatement. She is going to be a soccer player just like her mom.
I am sure that Smith and Finley will give Kaelin plenty of opportunities in Florida to run. Either to get back what they have taken from her or to try to get away from them.

A week from Wednesday the English Lawlor's will arrive for a 10 day visit to Florida.  They are really looking forward to spending some time in the sun and warm weather. England has been very chilly and damp this summer so Kyle and Family are really looking forward to some heat. They had gotten so sick of the cold that they took an opportunity to go to Madrid, Spain for 4 days when Kyle had to go on business. Bridget and the kids were free so they packed a bag and tagged along to get some 90 degree Spanish Sunshine.  (They have photos on Facebook if you want to check them out.)
Our family will over lap for about 3 days but since Kent will be back to school as of the 13th they will be coming and going.

The fridge is stocked, the hurricanes look like they might stay clear of us so I think we have a go for a couple of weeks of family fun.  You can look forward to plenty of photos.

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