Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It is exactly 11 PM and I am finally sitting down to write my blog. It was a crazy day today but so typical of many of our days.  As my kids have taken to saying, "That's my parents. They just get into these things."

We started our day by sleeping till 8. We had decided last night to get up at 7:30 and go to 8:30 mass this morning before the cleaning girls came at 10. Ger and I both woke up at 7, looked at the clock and rolled over for "just another half hour" which turned into an hour so we were too late to get to mass.  Ger got up at 8 and I prolonged the agony till 9:15.
You may be asking yourself why we didn't just set an alarm but we have our angels who are usually right on the ball with waking us for mass or what ever.  I guess our angels were also sleeping in.

The cleaning girls arrived, spent 2 hours trying to get our house cleaner than it was and left by 12:30.
Now came the BIG excitement of the day for H.  SUPPORT CHICK-FIL-A day was in full swing in South Florida.  Because of all the negative press CFA has been receiving the general public was called upon to go and support their favorite CFA today.  Since H has his very own CFA cow tee shirt, (compliments of cousin Ann and Kurt) off we went, minus the tee shirt which is some place in the closet.) As we got closer to the shopping center where the restaurant is there was a major increase in traffic. I told H that all the cars must be going to Chick but he doubted me. Sure enough the entire parking area was filled and the building was PACKED ! There was even a news truck there from NBC.   IF it was just me I would have turned around and gone home but we were there for Patriotic reasons, said H and so we  mooooooooooved inside, placed our order and waited 10 minutes to get our food.  Ger placed the order, I got us a table- totally by luck- and we had lunch while watching the hundreds of people come and go. I have never seen anything like it. People coming in shouting,"GOD BLESS AMERICA!" and "LETS GET OUR COUNTRY BACK ON TRACK".  All this for a chicken sandwich!

When we left the chicken we headed home and I went to my 4:00 therapy session.  I will be reading text books for the next several weeks.  Who knew you got home work when you were in therapy.

When I came out of therapy I checked my phone but didn't have any calls.  Just as I walked in the door at home my phone rang. Remember Sydney, our little one year old friend from Maine? Well, the call was from Sydney's dad who is up in Maine. Scott was obviously upset and when he started out with, "Cathie, I just didn't know who else to call." I knew I better listen up.  His mom is here in Florida with Scotts wife, Meredith, helping to care for Sydney this last week before they return to Maine for a few weeks of R&R. Scott's mom was driving on Rt. 95 with Sydney, going to pick up Meredith from work when they were hit from behind. The Honda Odyssey is totalled, grandma and Sydney were taken to the hospital by ambulance to be checked out and there they all were with no car and no way to get back to the condo if and when they would be released.  TA DA . . .  Ger and I to the rescue. THANK GOD everyone was OK. Grandma Dot is quite shaken up but not hurt. I bet she will be hurting tomorrow. Sydney was fine and her same old happy little self.  Meredith got a ride to the hospital and was trying to figure out the logistics of renting a car, getting a new car seat, getting the gate pass and keys out of the totalled car . . .    Ger and I drove our Rav down to the hospital because it has a car seat in it, and we gave them the car for the next 3 days. The State Trooper who had responded to the accident brought them all that they needed from their car so the family was able to drive home and hopefully get some sleep.
Ger and I left them and we drove my car to the base ball game for our Wednesday night Silver Slugger game which was postponed an hour because of heavy rain. We were there for the start of the game and I sat and was bored out of my mind until 10:35 PM.  Longest and dullest game I have ever experienced. Thank goodness for my i phone. I played solitaire for most of the evening.


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