Sunday, February 17, 2013


Not that I am going any where but I AM READY !  This cancer crap has been a bummer in more ways than you can imagine.  Our big complaint is that we have not been able to travel like we did. But all that is soon to change!

Ger is doing and looking so much better just knowing he does not have any more chemo on the calendar. He tires easily and has a ways to go before we do any big travels but he is on the mend.
Getting email from our family in England is NOT helping to calm our travel bug. The latest news is from les Alpes, France. The London Lawlor's are skiing for the week in the French Alps. The kids have the week off so this trip was planned for them. Kyle is NOT a fan of skiing, I'm not too sure how Bridget feels about it but the kids are loving it. This is the third winter they have flown to France to ski and will probably be their last opportunity before they return to the states. I think Roman and Abby wanted to try snow boarding this trip. They can ask Aunt Keri and Uncle Steve for pointers on that. Keri and Steve spent a few vacations snow boarding way back when they didn't have children yet. I don't know that they would try it now but they could give advice.

I'd like to go to France! Or back to England! Or maybe even Vero Beach. But for now we are staying around home. But that doesn't mean I can't plan and dream. If I were able I would be on a plane today heading for Maryland to see Kaelin and Finn. Kaelin celebrates her fifth birthday on Wednesday this week and I would give anything to be there for the celebration. A week or two later and I might have been able to convince Ger to go but it is just too soon after his last chemo for him to make a trip like that. So I will be patient and wait for Keri and family to come to us the end of March. The time is passing awfully fast these days so I know they will be here before I can blink but right now I have a bug in my bottom that is wanting to get in the car or on a plane and GO some place. Not that I don't have a TON of things to do here but none of that is fun. Like income taxes!  BLAUGH !  Thank goodness we don't have much money and no property except the house. NO stock, no millions hidden away in the Caymen Islands, nothing much to declare. This all makes tax time a pretty easy process. But there are still all the receipts from donations to gather and sort. Still all the retirement income forms to gather and don't forget the HUGE (ha  ha  ha  ha) Social Security benefits. Thank goodness we have great medical coverage so that isn't a problem. We are blessed in all we have and it only takes me a day to gather and sort forms and paper to send off to our tax man. No way am I doning this myself. I figure if the government is coming after me for taxs I want some one between me and the IRS.

Now all I have to do is tear myself away from this computer and get working on the tax papers. I will put on the FUZZY PINK ROBE to stay warm, (it's only 45 degrees here today! That's like 20 below to you folks up north.), I'll head to comand central out in the garage with my giant old desk and all my files and hunker down until I get this done.

Then I can start day dreaming about traveling again. Or maybe not if the government takes too much of our money!

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