Monday, May 2, 2016


YES !  I said H-O-R-S-E not house.  My garage smells like a horse.  Not a barn.  Not a cow.  A HORSE !  And don't ask how I know what a horse smells like, I just do ! And that is how my garage smells this morning, or I should say, this afternoon.  So I guess it is official . . . I have lost my mind!

I was up early today and took out the garbage and the recycling from the garage and the room DID NOT smell like any barn yard animals at 9:00 this morning. Either that or my nose had not woken up enough to be working efficiently enough to send any messages to my brain that there were any odd or unusual smells emanating from the regions of this particular area of my home.  I was in and out of that space several times and at no time did it occur to me that there was a horse in my garage. It wasn't until just a few minutes ago that I walked out into the garage to bring in the recycle bins that it hit me like a bale of hay that there was indeed a horse or ten in my garage. The smell is so strong it almost knocked me over. It did stop me in my tracks though and make me wonder if I was having a stroke. I did lift both arms and was able to smile so I figured that was a good sign so I guess that wasn't the answer.      FREAKY !!!!!

The only other answer is I must have a brain tumor !  Either that or there IS a horse hiding in my garage.  Perhaps I have a mouse with a huge ego and he thinks he is a horse?  I am about to go back into the garage and see if the smell is still there or if perhaps the horse has come out of hiding. I told you this house sale would be the end of me. If you don't hear from me in a week or so better send someone to check the garage. I may be out there having a tea party with a horse and a mouse and a bunch of other imaginary creatures.

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