Friday, March 13, 2020


I hear there is a new amusement park getting ready to open in the United States.
It's called "Bernie World" and will feature FREE parking, FREE admission, FREE rides and attractions and FREE refreshments.

Some of the rides included in the park will be "Cash Mountain", "Run Amuck Railroad", "It's a Jungle Out There Cruise", "Pirates of Capitol Hill", "I Must Be From Space Mountain",  " What Are You Drinking in Your Teacup?", "Twenty Thousand Leagues From Reality", and "Bernie's Bats in the Belfry Castle".

The mascot of the park will be Ima Snowflake and her Seven Henchmen . . .  Daffy, Dingbat, Dopey, Dummy, Dippy, Ditzy and Doofus.  They will constantly roam the park making sure everyone is happy.

Concession stands will offer a variety of food including "Bull Shit Burgers" and "Crock of Lies Soup" with side orders of 'Freaky, Flakey French Fries". There will be only one liquid refreshment offered in the park but it will come in several flavors so that everyone who "Drinks the Cool aid" will enjoy a flavor they like.

Unfortunately Bernie world will only remain open for two days at which time it will run out of money for the energy bills and wages for the workers who actually run the park.

I believe at this point the property will be purchased by China.

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