Thursday, March 26, 2020


All I need in life is a comfy chair, my glasses and a Stephen King novel.  It's simple ! Life is good and I'm happy.  I bought myself the newest Stephen King novel back before Christmas as a gift to myself.  This author is so awesome that he manages to publish a novel almost every year timed to come out for the Christmas season. This keeps me happy happy happy. Ever since Husband died I have not been reading that much. Ger and I would lie in bed at night and read for hours before sleep. Once he was gone it just wasn't the same to sit down with a book in the middle of the day and so I just stopped reading. Internet and TV filled the space of books and I didn't have to focus as much as when I read. But now, 5 years later I'm finding I miss taking the time out to sit and get immersed in a good book. So who else would I turn to but my all time favorite author . . . Mr. King.  I would love to know how this man comes up with the stories he writes. I thought my brain was whacked but it is nothing compared to THE King. His latest book is called "The Institute" and I'm already half way through the nearly 600 pages after starting it on Monday.  (I do have a life that requires cleaning, laundry and cooking with time out for Mr. Man who lives here. The fact that D has discovered streaming on TV, which he does not have in Michigan, causes us to spend at least five hours a day/evening watching 'episodes'.) Trying to squeeze out some "alone" time when I can sit and read has been a challenge but thanks to a jig saw puzzle that was given to me a year ago I now have quite a bit of time to read. I dug out the puzzle this past November before D came down here so it was out on the dining room table where he could work on it with me every so often. He was quite happy to let me put together most of the edges and work on getting key parts in the center started. He would wander over every once in a while when he couldn't find hockey or basket ball or football to watch and put in a piece or two. We had to put the puzzle away for the holidays and our series of house guests but now that we are self contained in our humble abode the puzzle is the center of D's day. We had it outside for a while so we could sit on the lanai and enjoy the wonderful Florida days as we sorted through pieces. Today is a bit too warm for this Michigan guy so the puzzle is back inside where the man can work on it in the comfort of AC. (I have had to set the AC at 80 because anything less than that and he is freezing. Normally for me it would be set at 75 but I will leave it at 80 with all the ceiling fans on just to keep him quiet and occupied.)  This puzzle has become such a challenge that the first thing D says when he gets up in the morning is,"I'm going to work on the puzzle today, maybe even finish it." That is not going to happen any time soon because this puzzle is a tough one. It has been an hour now since we finished lunch and I have not heard a word from the man. This is good !!

Aside from puzzles and food our lives are pretty quiet these days of confinement. I'm walking every morning for a half hour or more and liking the quiet time alone. I REALLY miss not going to mass at my church on Sunday . . . Mass on TV is so impersonal but at least we do have that. I wold love it if our community pool would be open but I get the reasoning behind it's closing.  The HIGH point of every day is around 5:00 when we get to walk out to the mail box to see if we got anything other than solicitations for money. (Usually the answer is NO but we keep hoping.) Because my mail is so disappointing I have gone on line to Amazon and sent things to all the grand kids so they will get surprises in the mail to brighten their days. Got to LOVE Amazon !!  Big or little, they will deliver goodies to everyone within days so the kids know grand ma is thinking of them. And I AM helping our economy.  We have to take that into consideration and all do our parts in spending money. If you have trouble doing that never fear because I have spent enough to cover you. Amazon makes it WAY too easy to spend money.

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