Friday, December 24, 2021


 It is official . . .  Christmas is cancelled !!  Bah Freaking Humbug ! ! !

I told The Man NOT to ask what else could possibly go wrong after the past week's disasters. But NO, he HAD to say it, . . . "WHAT ELSE CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?"   Dumb Ass !  Doesn't he know not to tempt the God's by saying things like that. 

Today is Christmas Eve.  The Man and I baked cookies yesterday.  It was wonderful.  The cookie dough was the perfect consistency for rolling and cutting so the sugar cookies all came out looking good. (Except for the one small batch that I managed to burn.  So what's new?). The baking and the clean-up went smoothly and all was well with the world.  

Was it possible that our black cloud of doom FINALLY lifted from over our heads?

HA !!!!!  That would be way too much to ask.

This morning we got up and started preparing the last few things for tomorrow's celebration. The Man cut the ribs, seasoned them and popped them into the oven to slow cook. I got out all the serving dishes and cleaned out the fridge to make room for tomorrows bar-b que.  No big fancy roast for us. We are going simple and easy. The 5 grand kids don't want a fancy sit down dinner so we were having sliders, dogs and ribs.  

Note I said, "we were having".  PAST TENSE

Yup, Christmas is cancelled.  NO dinner of any sort. No grand kids, no excitement, no gifts. NADA, NOTHING, ZERO.

I texted my daughter this morning to ask her to call me when she had a moment so we could set up our plan for tomorrow.  I didn't hear from her for a while. Little did I know she was busy trying to get an "at- home" Covid test kit.  My 10 year old grand son has tested positive for Covid.  He feels fine, in fact he feels BETTER than fine. He is so excited about Christmas. He is still a believer.  

Back up to Tuesday when Finn and I spent most of the day together shopping for his parents and sister. When we got home to his house after our shopping spree Finn put his gifts under the tree and then went out to play with his friends.  The next day my daughter told me how Finn had come home crying because he stepped in dog poop.  (He actually stepped in and slid through dog poop.). My daughter and her husband tried to calm Finn down but there was no consoling him.  They were suspicious that there was more to the issue and sure enough the next day Finn had a low grade fever and was just down for the count. This is not unusual for this child . . .  ever since he was about 3 Finn has had "monthly" fevers.  Low grade fever and lethargic for 24 hours. After many many doctors it was diagnosed as a "thing" that many kids suffer from when their vitamin D is low.  Finn now takes regular doses of the vitamin and is fever free unless he is stressed. Christmas excitement constitutes "stress" so the fever was no surprise to my daughter. 

Until today when Finn's fever went up to 103 . . .  sensing something was off Keri tracked down a Covid test kit and swabbed Finn's nose and VOILA !  Covid positive.  

If The Man did not have COPD I would have ignored all this and said, "COME ON OVER" but we really can't take chances. My youngest child and his children were supposed to come up for the day tomorrow but they are afraid I might be contagious.   ME ?????   Yup, a valid concern since I spent all day Tuesday with the walking Petri dish called Finn.   

 I feel fine but I am so disappointed I spent an hour crying.  Maybe I'm not OK.  

But then I put it all in perspective and realized it could be, and probably will be, a lot worse so we will continue to push on and see what is in store for us next.  

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