Friday, May 3, 2013


I love birthdays !   I loved birthdays as a kid and I still love birthdays no matter what the number is that is attached to the day.  The number keeps getting bigger but who cares. It is only a number and given the fact that birthdays are a reason to celebrate I am all for them. And the idea of celebrating for a couple of weeks is even better.
I love that cards arrive for days before my day and continue to come for days after.  All sorts of cards from prayers to jokes to the extra classy one from sister in law Joan. There was even a e card from Kathy and Jim, not to mention all the birthday wishes on Facebook.  BUT .. . none of the cards could come close to the video from Smith, the home made cards from Abby and Roman or the dozen or so pictures that Finn and Kaelin sent along with a home made sun catcher mobile.  It just doesn't get better than that.  Although the store bought card that Smith picked out did crack me up.  It was a picture of a fish wearing a party hat. Inside it said I was getting a (are you sitting down?), BIRTHDAY COD !
So much for the cards and gifts . . . The party continued with a night out at the theatre. Ger and I went to West Palm Beach's Kravis theatre to see SHEN YUN, an evening of Chinese dance depicting the history of China.  Lovely costumes but I had hoped for more. It was a good night out and a test for Ger to see how he would handle a late nit.  He did great!
Wednesday Ger and I continued to celebrate with a drive down to Kent's to go to a Mets Marlins baseball game with Kent and Smith. We had not been to the new indoor stadium so that in itself was a treat to not be sitting in the broiling sun, or in Wednesday's case, the pouring rain. Any time spent with Kent and Smith is a party and this proved to be fun fun fun ! The Marlins won, much to Kent's disappointment but it made the crowd all the more charged up.
Yesterday and today we have dined out so that is a good birthday gift. The gorgeous basket of flowers that Kyle and family sent last week are STILL looking as frest as the day they arrived but he chocolate covered bananas and strawberries that Sharon and Bob sent are long gone. Have you evere eaten a chocolate covered banana?  OH MAMMA ! They are fantastic! Thanks Sharon!
I should mention that when Ger and I were out dining and tripping the life fantastic I was wearing my beautiful new silver necklace that Jeanne sent AND  either of the two pairs of earrings that Ann Marie sent.  I am the best dressed birthday girl in the neighborhood.

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