Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Earth to Mars . . .  Come in Mars . . . I'm talking to YOU!

How quickly they forget . . . Remember a couple of months ago I was telling you how H finally is appreciating all that I do . . . Well, it seems his short term memory is as bad as my self control when it comes to dessert . . . It just does not exist!
Once again I am finding myself wondering what alternative universe I have been sent to. Thoughtful and kind has been replaced with "shit for brains". There is not a single ounce of common sense left in the mans head. Blame it on the chemo or blame it on age  or blame it on the moon and the stars, what ever the cause H has no brain left! ( the only thing we can't blame it on are the pot pills which remain sitting on a shelf in the fridge. I swear H counts them daily just to make sure I am not treating myself to any. I wouldn't be writing this blog if I was taking them!)
So the latest WTF is a Huge humongous "boil" on H's side.  I have no idea how long it has been brewing but I was "allowed" to know about it a week ago. It was RED and nasty looking then and it is larger and nastier now. I called the oncologist right away and she saw H on Friday. She put H on a strong antibiotic with the hopes of killing the damn thing before it erupts like the movie ALIEN. (The thing is big enough to be holding something the size of a Volkswagen.) So H is taking his meds BUT, here's where the shit for brains comes in . . .  The THING is right on Husbands waist and his belt rubs on it causing it to be even more irritated. Ladies, what would you do?  Did I hear you say, "Stop wearing a belt!" YES! Of course. I would be wearing the baggiest pair of pants that I had just to keep them from touching that sore spot. NOT HUSBAND! He insists on wearing the thickest, most stiff belt that he can find. And he insists on wearing it right over the boil. Hells bells, have you seen Justin Bieber lately with his pants down almost to his knees? H could easily fit into the whole fashion trend of baggy, butt hanging drawers but he insists on that big heavy belt. Needless to say the THING is getting nastier by the hour and at this rate will probably have to be lanced by the end of the week. I suggested sitting with a hot compress on it while he is watching TV. Are you ready for this . . .  H did not know how to "do that" !  He spent all day saying "Ouch" every time he moved but not once did he put anything on the THING or remove his belt. Not until he was getting ready for bed did he decide he should soak it a bit. I followed the trail of water on the floor only to find H sitting on the edge of the bed  with a soaking wet wash cloth and the water in the sink running.
I think I may suggest he soak his head for an hour or two.

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