Saturday, May 14, 2011


Way back when my first child was born some one said to me "The bigger they are, the bigger the worries." I didn't believe them at the time because I couldn't imagine anything worse than a 3 month old who seemed  to cry ALL night.  I had no idea why he was crying . . . hungry, tired, gas, cramps, wet diaper . . . ? Who knew?  He couldn't tell me what his problem was so I worried !
 By the time my daughter was born it was all routine and we were one happy family. UNTIL . . . my daughter started having panic attacks. She would be up twenty times a night and no one could tell us why. Test after test and we still couldn't get any answers. So I worried!
Our youngest son was born and he was so small for the first 15 years of his life that we had all sorts of tests run on him. He was fine but still, I worried.
AS the kids got older there were bigger worries.  Will Keri fit in at school when she didn't have a "Best Friend" like all the other girls?  Will Kyle ace his regents exams? (We didn't care but he sure did). Will Kent hit the ball when playing for his little league team? Will they get their drivers license? Will they be safe out driving? Will they be emotionally scared if they don't go to the prom?  Will they be home sick going away to college?  Will they be safe and careful and studious and happy in college?  
On and On the worries went and in spite of my worries here we are 30 something years later and they have all survived. They have done more than survive, they have flourished.
My children have moved on and created families of their own and those families are just amazing. And I still worry. I worry about the families that are far from me because I don't know what they are doing.  I worry about the family that is close to me because I know what they are doing.  I now have 5 grand kids that I can also worry about.
It is times like this that I thank God for my faith. Each night when my head is spinning with worry I hand it all off to God and I say "Thank You" and "Good night". I can close my eyes and know that all the worries I had in my head are now being taken care of and I can sleep with a clear mind and a quiet heart.
 Thank you Lord for my peace of mind.   I am so glad I don't have to worry about insomnia.

Good night !

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