Sunday, October 23, 2011


We just had an overnight with Smith and it was GREAT !  Mom and dad had a Halloween party to attend at Kristen's work place so they invited us down to spend the evening with our little man. WE arrived in the late afternoon on Saturday and took Smith and the dog out for a walk through the neighborhood. Smith's favorite pastime, at 15 months old, is to look for the "DUCK DUCKS" that roam the neighborhood and swim past his back yard. And because he feeds the ducks they are usually on the look out for him also.
Yesterdays walk was extra fun because we found a boat in some one's driveway and some Halloween decorations. Smith is a very curious and friendly little dude who loves walking up peoples drive ways and knocking on their front doors. Thankfully his "knock knock" is very quiet which gives grandma time to run up the drive way and scoop him up before anyone can hear him at their door.
Unfortunately there were no ducks to be seen yesterday so we just walked through the neighborhood calling "DUCK DUCK". Little man is talking up a storm and when we got back to the house for dinner he and I had big chats together. Smith helped me heat up the pasta and sauce I had brought down and pulled out all the pots from the cabinets to make an obstacle course for grandma in the kitchen. When dinner was ready grandpa, Smith and I sat together and ate. Smith communicates his wants and dislikes in very clear nodding and head shaking. I could ask him if he wanted more or if he was full and he could tell me! He knows the word "DOWN" for when he is finished calls "PA PA" when he wants his grandpa.
After bath time grandpa read Smith 20 or so books and then the little guy went right to sleep without a complaint. (The book reading consists of picking out a book, turning all the pages and getting another book.) I'd say we had a fantastic evening! Smith slept through the night with one wake up call at 3 AM. Smith's dad came to the rescue on that one and little man returned to sleep till almost 7 AM. Since we were on such a high we took Smith and the dog for an early morning walk and then Smith, grandpa and I all went out to breakfast at "Donalds" ,(Mac Donalds to you and me) Smith was still in his jammies cause grandma didn't want to wake mom and dad rummaging around for a change of clothes. I'm sure it's not the first kid to go for breakfast in his jammies! Donalds was decorated for Halloween and Smith was loving looking at all the witches, ghosts and pumpkins hanging from the ceiling. He ran around the  place pointing at everything. When grandpa arrived with the food Smith sat up and ate pancakes, sausage, eggs, "home fries" and part of a biscut. Not to mention the entire glass of OJ that he drank. Ger and I just keep watching him eat and couldn't believe it. I think this may become a ritual for us.
AS for the rest of the grand kids . . .  Abby and Roman are on holiday AGAIN and are spending 5 or so days on the Isle of WIGHT with their mom and dad. WE are curious to hear about the trip and add it to our list of places we would like to visit on our next trip across the pond. The 6 weeks of school and week vacation schedule sure agrees with all the London Lawlors. There is nothing not to love about it. Abby and Roman will be home in time for Halloween but there didn't seem to be any big plans, last we heard.
Unlike Miss Kaelin who will be TRICK OR TREATING at the White House this year ! Keri got 3 tickets from her school so she and Steve and Kaelin will be in Washington DC on Halloween evening getting treats from the President himself. (I doubt that but they will be at the White House). Grandma and Grandpa will be at Kaelin's house handing out goodies for the masses and taking care of Finley. Ger says we have the better end of the deal! Should be fun no matter what!
Once we return from our Kaelin and Finn visit we should be remaining in Florida for some time.  It has been better than beautiful down here these last few days. Temps in the high 70's and sun sun sun !
Too bad I am so tired I just keep sleeping half the day.

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