Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My BFF thinks there is something wrong with me because while she and the rest of the world cover their heads on these rainy days and wish for nothing more than to sleep the day away, I am up and ready to go go go !    I LOVE rainy days. The gloomier the better . . . bring it on . . .  these days fire up my energy and I am just aching to get into the thousand projects I have been putting off for months. It bugs me to have to go out on such days as I want nothing more than to just stay home and clean out drawers that haven't been cleaned in years. It is like a great treasure hunt to see what I can find to get into. Trouble is the rain doesn't last long enough and now I have 42 projects all in some stage of completion that will not be touched again for another couple of months and the next rainy spell.
It has been a very rainy season for Florida this year but since we were in Europe with 80 degrees and sunshine I didn't get to take advantage of our Florida monsoons. Now that we are back I have enjoyed the past 2 days except for having to leave my nest and go out on errands. Today we started the day with breakfast out because we had some chores to do but once we got home around noon it was HEAVEN! Ger just plopped in front of the TV and left me to my puttering. Such a smart man. It did pour most of the day and tonight we even have a tornado watch till 10 PM. That does NOT excite me and I often wonder how I would know if there was a tornado coming and what I would do if one did arrive over our heads. Florida homes do not typically have basements and they DO typically have lots and lots of windows and glass doors. Not great in a tornado I am sure. About the only place in the house without windows is the small bathroom inside the front door and our bedroom walk in closet. I guess I'd head for the closet because I really don't think I want to be cooped up in a bathroom with Husband. That is a little too close quarters for me. Let's just hope there are no tornadoes.
Our daughter, Keri, lives in Southern Maryland where there are often rogue tornadoes blowing through. They have a county alarm that sounds when a tornado is in the area. Keri doesn't have a basement either and none of her rooms are without windows so when the alarm goes off she & Steve grab the kids and head across the street to the neighbors house that has a "tornado room" in the basement. They have had the pleasure of sharing this room with their neighbors on more than one occasion and I for one am very thankful that they have such good neighbors.
Tornadoes are nasty things that are sneaky and mean.  Hurricanes just stagger around and blow wind and rain at you but you know they are coming for weeks in advance. Not so with tornadoes. NO warning at all so if I suddenly stop writing you'll know ______________________________________

Just kidding!   But just in case I think I'll call it a night. Hope to see you tomorrow.

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