Saturday, October 1, 2011


It was a wonderful day! Let's establish that fact right off the bat. Kyle and Bridget left this morning for their over night get away and 3 adults were left home to care for and entertain 2 children. Piece of cake! Now factor in that one of the adults was H and you have got the beginnings of a story.
Abby was to perform 2 of her piano pieces at a local fair this morning so we all piled into the car (the rented car that is one SWEET ride but more about that at another time) and off we went to some local church where we would meet Abby's piano teacher. It took some doing to find the church and then to find parking but we finally got there. Abby did a fantastic job playing a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" and "The Banjo Picker" and we were off again to LEGOLAND . I have been looking forward to seeing this amusement park so today was the day to give it a go. The park is about 2 minutes from K&B's house and we have often seen the lines of traffic on the main road, all headed to Legoland. Today was no exception with traffic but having spent some time at the church with Abby's piano performance we missed the major traffic jam. We started to run into problems once we arrived and parked the car. Problem #1, huge lines at the ticket booths. Problem #2, it's lunch time and Abby wants  a hot dog from a stand and Roman wants pasta from a different lunch spot. Ann Marie and kids held a table, Husband went one way, I went another. And now it begins. . . You know that H cannot do anything simply or without attitude so the burden of having to get 4 hot dogs BY HIM SELF was an issue. But we survived . . . until Roman started in on "I WANT". Roman is the sort of child who has the ability to push H's buttons without even trying. I thought our youngest son was the only child who could do this with such finesse but here comes Roman with the same gift. The entire day was spent trying to keep peace and keep H from blowing his stack. It was a semi success thanks to the help of  Ann Marie. We actually thought we were free and clear when we left the park at closing. An hour and a half later we were still sitting in the car trying to get out of the parking lot and H was in the back seat with the kids ranting and raving about how he was going to write a letter to Legoland, the mayor, the Queen and anyone else he could think of to tell them how terrible the parking situation was. Ann and I in the front seat just exchanged looks and rolled our eyes while the kids became very quiet in anticipation of the volcanic eruption that was pending in the back seat.  Thankfully we managed to finally get out of Legoland and home to bed for a couple of exhausted kids and some equally exhausted adults.
I would like to note that H is now sound asleep and has yet to ask for paper and pen to start writing those letters.

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