Saturday, March 17, 2012


When I was in High School spring break meant nothing. (I was socially challenged to say the least.) But in the early 60's I don't think spring break meant anything more than a week without school. I am sure there were some kids who did cool stuff but I was not aware of them.

College wasn't much better.  Spring break meant the snow was probably going to melt soon, (college in up state NY was COLD. Winter arrived late September and left late April.). The first year of college I couldn't wait to run home for food and family but in the following 3 years spring break was usually spent with one of my room mates at their homes. None of them lived any place exotic but Kingston and Cooperstown were a lot more interesting to me than Queens.

It wasn't until I was teaching and partying that I was aware of SPRING BREAK being the time to party. But even then I was a nerd and would spend the week hanging out with friends at home. There would be a few folks I knew who would go away to Ft. Lauderdale for the week.  That was the WILD place to hang and party, drink and burn. I never made it there. As for the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica where our teens now spend their spring break, no one had ever heard of those places no less know where they were.

All that has changed. Our young folk now flock to all sorts of tropical paradises to spend the week celebrating the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Can summer be far behind?

Living in Florida we don't care! Summer - Spring - Winter - Fall   It's all the same to me !  But this year we got to celebrate Spring Break to the fullest ! Kent was off for the week and his house was being tented for termites. EVERYTHING & EVERYONE had to get out ! Kristen, (who has the unfortunate luck to NOT be a teacher,) had to go to work every day so she cleared out and went to stay with her girl friend Sandra for the week. Kent, Smith, Mookie, (the dog) Motsie, (the cat) & Charlie, (the second cat), all arrived at our house at 9:30 AM Wednesday morning. The car was packed with food that had to be removed from cabinets and fridge, Charlie was in her carrier in the front seat, Smith and Mookie were in the back seat fighting over Smith's Oreo cookies and Motsie was in Kent's lap. (On the way home Kent was pulled over by a cop for driving in the HOV lane. When the cop looked into the car he just waved Kent on.)

WE had a great Spring break together. Baseball game, (all nine innings once the rain stopped), Pool Swimming, Beach swimming in a lagoon off the Jupiter Inlet, Ice cream, ice cream and more ice cream.

Unfortunately I am having trouble uploading the pictures so you will have to wait for the photo proof of what a great time we had.

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