Thursday, June 21, 2012


Grandpa grumpy pants has 5 grand kids and he loves each and every one of them. Just not for long periods of time.
When Grand Ma Dumber Than Dirt suggested they visit some grand kids she should have known better. First Grandma DTD and Grandpa Grumpy Pants went all the way to England to spend time with the grand kids. It was an awesome trip but by the end of it Grand Pa GP had had enough and wanted to go home. So home they went only to have 2 weeks rest before Dumber than Dirt Grand ma suggested a road trip to see the Maryland grand kids. Grand Pa Grumpy never says what he feels or perhaps he just doesn't have a clue as to WHAT he feels, or maybe he just doesn't feel; what ever the case GGP said, "Sure, lets go!" So off they went on another happy little journey. Gramps Grumpy does very well when traveling with just Grandma but as soon as they arrived at the grand kids house Gramps started to get cranky. And crankier, and crankier.  It didn't help that their grand daughter who is usually an angel had turned into a BEAST for the first 5 days. It didn't help that grandpa's daughter had to go out at 5PM every night for Vacation Bible School at her church so grandma had to make dinner each night. It didn't help that our son-in-law went away with his friends for 3 days leaving us all with little Finn and his sister THE BEAST. It also doesn't help that Grand Pa Cranky Pants got a cold and doesn't feel good. And it really sucks that Grand Pa hates sleeping on a sofa bed for 8 nights. Do  you wonder why Grand Ma Dumber Than Dirt is ready to KILL Grand Pa Cranky Pants

Tomorrow we will take Grand Pa home and Grand Ma will call the therapist and get back into some much needed counseling.  That's if I don't drive off a bridge on the way.

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