Saturday, June 9, 2012


I know, I know . . .  I have been remiss in blogging and I am SORRY!  Kathy, Ann, Carol forgive me for ignoring you for so long. And thank you girls for voicing your concern. I am alive and WELL!

After the trip to England I came home and spiralled down into a deep funk. Was it the leaving my family in England? Was it spending WAY too much time with H ? Or was I just due for a funk? Seeing how I am Manic Depressive or Bi Polar or just plain Nut Job I do go into these low times where I just don't want to do anything. Much less post my ridiculous feelings for the world to see just how very nuts I am. ( I put on a very good front most of the time but just ask H and he will tell you just how crazy I can get.)

A N Y H O W . . . . Now that we are on the road again I have been forced to shape up and get  my ass in gear. I know we were only home for less than 2 weeks but I was invited to a baby shower for my BFF's daughter up here on Long Island so I had to go! There was NO WAY I would miss this. H and I put together a plan for a road trip to NY, MD and NC. I was in constant touch with our key stops but H fell down on the job when it came to contacting our NC stop. (BIG SURPRISE THERE!) Turns out our friend in  NC will NOT be home so that part of the trip is a wash. We left Florida on Wednesday and started driving North. We spent 2 days traveling with almost no traffic to slow us down. We stopped in MD to see Keri and her family and spent 18 hours with them. We had dinner and breakfast with Kaelin and Finn and then got back in the car to head to NY. NEVER . . .EVER . . .  drive to NY on a Friday.  Holy Hockey Pucks . . . the traffic from the NJ turnpike through NYC and out on to Long Island never moved more than 25 miles an hour for the entire trip. What should normally take 4 hours took us 8 hours. It was Friday afternoon in June so EVERYONE and their grandmother was headed out to Long Island for a weekend in the sun.  The joke is on them because it rained all day today!  HA HA SUCKERS!  Boy do I NOT miss living up here! 
We arrived at Aunt Ann Marie's house at 6PM last night and swore we would NEVER make this drive again. From now on it is fly or stay home.  We all had a couple of glasses of wine along with a great pot roast dinner that Aunt AM made for us. By the time we finished H and I were FINISHED! (I drove most of the way because H does not "DO" bridges or tunnels and in order to get from MD to LI you have to cross several bridges and at least one tunnel.) Every time H started to complain about the traffic I reminded him it was worth the trip. (I really wanted to push him out of the car but since we were only going 10 MPH it wouldn't have achieved the desired result.)
I was too tired to blog last night so you had to wait even longer for this great literary piece.
Today I left H and his sister and I drove out to our old home town of Miller Place. I did a trip down memory lane by driving very very slowly down our old street, past our old house. The place looks great and well loved. I went to BFF Sharon's where we wrapped our gift for the new baby. Sharon did a great job of shopping for an awesome baby bassinet.  This thing just about feeds and diapers the baby. It rocks, plays music, has storage under it and even has a NIGHT LIGHT!  Good stuff. We then loaded up the car and went out to the next town for the shower where we ate ourselves sick!  40 women, more food than I have EVER had served at one sitting and a VERY good time. Baby mommy looks WONDERFUL and a GREAT time was had by all. It was a fantastic day and worth every second of sitting in traffic yesterday.
Tomorrow after church we will go to our niece's house for a family gathering of all Aunt AM's kids and grand kids. H has not seen most of them for about 8 years so it will be great for us to see everyone.  Maybe that will give me material for tomorrow's blog.

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