Sunday, April 5, 2020


"And Jupiter aligns with Mars" . . .    If you are one of my fellow "hippie" leftovers from the 60's you may recognize the reference to the Musical "HAIR" which was one of my all time favorite show's. That and "Jesus Christ Super Star" remain in my CD collection so I can relive my college years when things get too oppressive now that I'm facing my 75th birthday.  Was it REALLY 55 years ago ???!!!!

But I"m not here to reminisce but to rather explain that when the stars are all in alignment you just have to roll with it and seize the moment. Today is just that kind of a day . . . First off we are confined to our homes going on three weeks now so things are starting to get pretty routine and boring. Not to complain but the weather down here has been FABULOUS with temperatures in the 80's with low humidity and BRIGHT BRIGHT sunny days. I realize that those of you not lucky enough to be down here would think this is Heavenly but even a good thing can get tiresome after a while. So yesterday when I checked the weather for the weekend and saw that today it was supposed to rain I did a little happy dance. It has not rained here in probably a month so everything is dry, dry, dry. Our "Lakes" all have beaches around them because the water is so low. The alligators are searching for swimming pools to cool off in which is fortunate for them because all the community pools have been closed to the public. We really can use some rain and today was supposed to be that day. (As of 3:30 PM there is still not a drop of rain but I am still holding some hope.) In spite of the lack of precipitation I did wake up to CLOUDS in the sky. No bright, brilliant, cloudless blue sky like we have had this past month. Instead the sky is grey and looking like there actually is a promise of rain. This combined with the fact that today is Sunday, (which normally would be "the weekend" but since our lives are just one constant weekend it really doesn't matter), set me into my "rainy day" mood which ALWAYS calls for baking. When it is gloomy outside I bake . . . it's a combination of something to do when you can't be outside and it is "comfort" activity that goes way back to rainy days spent in the kitchen with my mom creating all sorts of yummy treats.

But before all my creativity could be channeled into banana bread and chocolate chip cookies I took time to watch Palm Sunday mass celebrated in St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC. I MISS my church here in Palm Beach Gardens more than I could have imagined. I miss my pastor and the other priests who celebrate mass at my parish of St. Patrick here in Florida. Their homilies are always so enlightening and personal that this separation from my church has hurt more than I ever thought it would. The past two weeks I have thought I should watch mass on TV but unfortunately that thought always entered my head at about ten o'clock at night. A lot of good that did me. So yesterday when I realized that today was Palm Sunday I made a point of finding when and where I could watch mass this morning. IT WAS WONDERFUL and I found myself in tears watching it. Go figure ! Being reminded that we are going into Holy Week where we should be especially attentive to the suffering of Christ it makes all this isolation and separation from our friends and family seem insignificant in comparison.  We can do this . . . Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy . . .  This too shall pass just like todays rainy day will pass and by tomorrow the sun will be out again and in a month all will be right with the world.            And I will be forty pounds heavier because today the stars were in alignment and I'm baking again !

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